Well, opened up both doors for first time today, since I received SBC brackets this week and jordered my speakers to arrive this next week, THanks TIM and crutchfield... stripped all VB off and stated just running windows up and down analyzing my specific problems. I have no broken tabs on my windws and have had pasenger window tilt so bad it popped out of both tracks once so I assumed my tabs must be broken for this much play and movement...So, tabs are good, but my specific troubleshooting of the broplem lead to the front guide gasket or rubber guide. This thing has way to much rubber on it and it pinches the window regardless of lubing to death. I proceeded to take out windows not replace tabs yet, cut away the long side of rubber to allow window to travel but not get pinched, pushed window back towards lock mech and no tilting or dragging. I think the SBC's will really gibve additional stability to this adn with rubber modifying, lubing front and rear guides should do it. There is a significant amount of play on main window guide rail that SBC attaches to allowing the tilt even with good tabs, but without modifying this entire area I think 100% fix may not be possible. Just my thoughts, poor design period.