OK so back from houston and yes I realize my last post was put in wrong area lol. OK So I am driving down to Houston with a steady 75 mph. I have been driving for about 3 hours straight when all of a sudden my truck starts to slow rapidly. I Push on gas and see rpms rise slowly but not enough to go (almost seemed like I ran outta gas). I pulled over and all lights came on (just like when you turn the ignition.) So I put truck in park turn truck off wait a moment and turn back on (yes I know now was wrong thing to do but too late now.) I turn truck back on and its running smoothly. I check for any codes that were thrown and all is clear. I continue down road maybe 3 more miles or so to my exit and pull into a gas station and fill up with gas since I was almost empty (gas gauge dances so not always sure.) I check dip stick and its dry, empty, notta . So I go inside to buy a qt of regular oil to mix with my synthetic because they didnt have any. Filled up with gas 17 gallons (always give it one click). When I got to friends house which was couple minutes I checked dipstick again and it was on full still (maybe engine didnt heat it up enough.) So in the morning check oil again codes all that good stuff and leave for the space center which is about 50 miles away. I arrive and check oil and its still full. Drive another 60 miles to another friends house and full.

Now my question is and it has me scratching my head can a qt of oil (when engine is warm)make stick go from empty to full? Also I didnt run out of gas as I only filled up 17 gallons. Now I have driven all the way home some 4 hours straight and didnt have a problem or glitch. Now I will say this and dont shoot me. My inners are tore to shreads. I didnt grease them till I left Houston. I know priorities but if Ascinder can do it.. . Now I hadnt greased them in awhile but dont think that could have been culprit. Also I have never burned oil since I bought "it" at 69k miles. I had only traveled at that point 1k miles since I changed oil myself. Oh and I have 120k on the odo if that matters.

Sorry for the long read but it freaked me out just thought I would get any opinions. As always thanks for the help