I am glad that your garage wasn't damaged, now I am forced to ask, are you sure you didn't misplace the tools and the box?
And Dam n, what kind of neighborhood do you live in where someone steals your stuff while you are right there?
It wasn't a stupid idea, it was a childish idea, those are two different things
Anyway, if someone stole my hood ornament, which is a non-functional non important item, without breaking anything, made a clever project out of it, and then mailed it back, I would not be mad. For a little while I would be mad, unless they left a note about getting it back soon...but that Jeep ornament was so gigantic that it was just asking for it
As for doing the Jeep thing to my VX, not sure where that came from, it isn't a convertible, it has doors, it isn't a dime a dozen, it is not a box on wheels, and............................ Drum roll please .............................................
BARBIE DOESN'T DRIVE A VX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I guess my neighbor's Dodge is a jeep thing too, since it is lifted and has AT tires on it? Damn, I guess that makes those ignorant *** caprices and crown vics on 26s that sit higher off the ground than my VX jeeps too.