well guys, i managed to get myself into quite a pickle. i got into some financial trouble and legal trouble at the same time.
the legal trouble has unfortunately removed my license for a period of 9 months, with eligibility to use an interlock after 2 months(thing you have to blow into to start your car)

with the recent bad luck im not going to be able to afford to have comp&collision on my vehicross, and therefore will not be able to drive it (being a poor college kid i cant risk having the most valuable thing i own not safe) for a period of 5 years....since thats how long they increase your insurance when you lose your license.

so, im not going to let a car like this just sit in my garage for 5 years while i drive a piece of junk. therefore im going to be selling my VX in the next couple of weeks. i have found a 98 4runner that will be its replacement, its a reliable car thats been well taken care of and will be cheap enough that i will feel comfortable only having liability on it.

so, i just wanted to let you guys know that i will still remain an active member here (as long as you can accept my non-VX ways).... and eventually WILL get another VX once this bad luck is in the past and my financial situation betters.

im gonna be compiling a list of parts im looking for to get my vehicross in good enough shape to sell, i hope you guys can help me get it put back together and sold so i can continue to enjoy 4wheeling, going to the mountains and visiting moab once a year with my chosen family.

ill post up a new thread soon once i remove the parts im taking with me and get the VX in tip-top shape...

i will also have a few VX specific parts for sale that i will also put up soon.

thanks for being a great group to be a part of, and i dont worry, im not leaving, only my VX for now....