i appreciate the heartfelt words guys.
dont worry, im not gonna dissapear, im too close to this family. at first when this happened i was gonna keep my VX and drive my acura full time. but that has a few issues: i dont get to 4wheel anymore, its hard to take my dog wherever i go, cant go a lot of places in the snow. and lastly by the time i was able to drive my VX again, it would need some serious work (gas would go bad, hoses would rot, ETC)

the good news is that im getting a 4x4 V6, with a factory rear locker.... so i WILL be at the meets, just staying out of the pictures
i will be in moab.... hell its my favorite vacation of the year, i have to be there!

justin- it just doesnt make sense to let the VX sit, it would be more maintnence than its worth, i would rather sell BOTH cars and enjoy the same things i do now with my vx... plus im gonna have some money left over for repairs/paying off school debt. and ill just buy another VX in the future when i get more financially stabile, and i get to start with a blank slab at that point

PK- if you ever make it over here ill be sure to make it to whatever meet you deem necessary to get over here for i promise, if its that big of a meet ill be there!