Well, my buddy from work came over Thursday and we swapped out the fuel filter. I drove around town a little bit over the weekend and everything seemed ok. Decided to drive the VX to work yesterday, which is about a 50 mile round trip. Everything was fine. Got about 12 miles up the interstate this morning and hit some stop and go traffic that always bunches up around one of the exit ramps when I noticed the VX was riding really rough. Then the same as before. The engine cut out and I was able to coast over to the shoulder and she fired right back up. I sat on the shoulder for a minute or two and at first the engine was revving really high. The RPMs would shoot up and then back down real quick. That leveled off after a bit and I drove back home and then to the dealer again with no problem at all.

The folks at the dealer say it definitely sounds like a fuel related problem. They checked all the grounds and everything last time I had it in, so that probably rules out an electrical problem. We're going to try replaced the fuel pressure regulator and see how that goes. Fingers crossed.