Was driving to work Friday before last and got about 2 or 3 miles from home when my check engine light, oil light, and battery light all popped on and the engine cut out just I was pulling up to a stop light. I sat there confused for a second then put it in park, turned the key, and it started right back up. I turned around and drove home and then to the dealer with no problems at all. The dealer kept it overnight but couldn't get it to cut off and the diagnostics didn't show anything.

Went to pick the VX up on Saturday and got about 5 minutes down the road and it cut off again. I could tell something was wrong when the blower fan started slowing down and speeding up all of a sudden. Then the same thing: check engine, oil, and battery lights came on and the engine shut down. I pulled to the shoulder, it started right back up, and I drove straight back to the dealer.

The dealer kept it all week and couldn't find any problems or recreate the engine shutoff. We figured that both times it cut off on me it was raining. So they ran it while hosing the engine down with water. Nothing. They drove it when it rained again. Nothing. I picked it up tonight and drove home without any problem at all. I'm nervous to drive it at highway speeds for fear that it shuts off while I'm on the interstate or something. Has anyone had the same problem, and did you ever figure it out?