i learned in a 56 dodge p/u 3 on the tree..my first car was a 1965 rambler marlin.. what was yours.... oops this should be a new thread..hehe
i learned in a 56 dodge p/u 3 on the tree..my first car was a 1965 rambler marlin.. what was yours.... oops this should be a new thread..hehe
I wanna see what .0001% increase in throttle response gets ya.
Well you already know cuz when you drop your diff brackets the loss of friction gets you .0001% increase in throttle response. And you love that mod so shut up!
waita minit.
I only did that mod so I could be more like my Godlike bud Zeus. I kinda liked changing CV boots every 3-6 months.
Of course I didn't pirate an old jeep bumper to getr done.
My brackets are even more aerodynamic than yours so I get better gas mileage too! Not following my design to a T was your 1st mistake! It's ok, not everyone can be the redneck that I am...
Dude, ur COMPLETELY INSANE to let a minor drive your precious.
Obviously he hasn't looked at the gallery of pix for the Moncha dig pic frame recently.
OOPS, I forgot
...and there it is. Nice! It is actually a pretty good looking pic. Thanks Bart, of all that footage and all those pics you haven't even gotten to yet... you had to post me getting pigeon-toed! ...Or is that goonie-toed?