I'm not going to be able to produce the Pin Up calendar this year.

Several reason why..but mostly cause I have been pretty immobile for the past 4 weeks with a torn ligament in my ankle....
...and as a result have been unable to take the rest of the shots needed for the calendar.
Flu season and models getting new jobs and moving also screwed it all up..!

Also , I now need to be in England in the early part of December to help my Mother finalize all the "paperwork" etc from my dads estate....
....she is rather blind , and needs my eyes!
I'm going to stay through Xmas...so again , this screws with production and mailing.!

SO..bottom line...I simply wont have time to do a good job on a calendar this year...

...so I'd rather not put one out at all.

A BIG THANKS to all that sent pics...I've e-mailed you about them.

And a Big thanks to those that wanted to get a calendar....

....SORRY...hope ya understand.

Next year for sure..keep it in mind!
