I took my VX on its first real test this weekend when a group of us from the Four Wheel Drive Club took our 4x4's up to the Lake District and drove some fantastic lanes. The main one was the Gatescarth Pass. This Pass is open to 4x4's by permit only and there are just 12 permits issued every month - we had them all for November! It was a fantastic, challenging drive with lots of tight chicanes, loose dirt and steep drop-offs making it pretty scarey! Unfortunately the weather at the top was pretty bad, which mad it quite eerie. We then spent the rest of the weekend doing some other lanes in the area. As can be seen in one of the pics, I had a bit of a mis-hap when I slid sideways into a gully and ended up wedged against a large rock. Took eight of us over an hour to free me. Thanks to the 'damage limiting cladding' there is only a small split and a few scratches.
