Righto on saturday went up to Mt Adams which is 20k out of Martinborough.
Heres a pic of the map to show where we went considering most people here will be like where the hells he taking about !?
(sorry pics are pretty boring )

Kinda retiring my Vx from 4x4ing as after driving through the bush i have about 1000 scratches and to be honest i didnt buy it for that i brought it as a daily driver and to do a few mods and very easy tracks.

Accordingly the Shiny trips that we have going over here, state on thier shiny trips, that bush scratches can be expected in 95% of the trips.
So im pretty much gonna stick to tracks that are known like coastal trips and driving to the mall

Going to the panel beater and gonna get there opiniona and see if they can buff them out.

I also got this comment on my 4x4 forum.
**its the nature of 4wding, you have to drive in inhospitable terrain, otherwise theres not much point in having the 4wd in the first place.***

In my response to that i couldnt help but think yes fair enough, but i really dont want my 4x4 damaged or scratched for a 30 min bit of fun.

And i love my vx too much to sell it just cause im not gonna go 4x4ing and get it munted.

Not many good pic as didnt really overly have the chance.

heres a few pics of some of the scratches. Dont think any of them have gone through the clear coat so with a hell of a lot buffing they should come out i hope!
tho gonna let the panelbeaters take care of that.