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Thread: Since no one seems to have mentioned it........

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by circmand View Post
    Only if you go by popularity. Doing whats right is not about wealth redistribution..
    George Bush was not a bad president because he was unpopular..
    He was unpopular because he was a bad president.

    Much like Jesus turned water into wine,
    He turned surplus into deficit..[/QUOTE]

    There was never a surplus. That was a big lie by the democrats it was on paper based on 10 years of the economy conitinueing the way it was going but the dotcom crash did that and was caused by Clinton

    Another falsehood.
    This was money in the bank that Bush squandered fighting two wars that still are not over.Clinton did not cause the dot com crash, But had everything to do with the boom. He did not tax internet commerce and this made companies very rich very fast. As with most booms, the gravy stops flowing eventually and the strong survive and the weak die. Historically the american economy has always been stronger under democratic leadership.


    Had his head way up his *** during a preventable terrorist attack.
    Gave his Arabian Horse club friend the reigns at Fema during one of the worst natural disasters of our time...and even with Dopler radar did not see Katrina comming..[/QUOTE]

    As opposed to Neopolitan in charge of security? A passenger stops another airplane being blown up and the system worked? No one was sure where exactly Katrina was going to hit, there was no way to stop a hurricane, Lousiana built and continues to build on the coast below sea level, and billions were given to Louisianna Democrats who wasted and stole the money and they still want more.

    Another falsehood.
    They have video of Bush and Brown 3 days before the storm being told that this could be a major catastrophe. Like 911, where he had brief that" Al Keda" was "determined to strike within the united states using highjacked airlines", Bush decided playing golf and dicking around on his ranch in texass was the best course of action.

    ut our country in the worst financial straights since the depression..[/QUOTE]

    No that is Obama he has spent in one year what Bush spent in eight including the wars and only ran up the deficit remember the 700 Billion stimulous was written and passed by a democrat house and democrat senate and was veto proof. That is not Bush that is all Democrat waste

    The stimulus began before Bush left office. It was a bailout to the banks that should have never happened. Much like if you have kids,you don't give candy to one unless you have enough for everybody.Those companies should have never been bailed out by either Bush or Obama unless they were prepared to offer equal bailouts to small business and laid-off workers.
    Defended the credit card companies, banks, and wealthiest 1% of this country over the masses of hard working american middle class and poor..[/QUOTE]
    As opposed to giving them billions like BO?
    Are you gonna side with with giving help to credit card companies more leverage to screw us? and big banks?
    Bush began the bailouts but you seem to have forgotten that. Obama is wrong to continue that which Bush started as he is to keep fighting Bush's wars overseas.
    Striped away civil rights of all americans while torturing and killing ten of thousands of innocent people who just happened to be in the wrong country a the wrong time..[/QUOTE]
    tens of thousands tortured where do you get this number? A few hundred terrorists that Obama wants to invite to the US and give tax payer funded attorneys to and cost NYC millions in secutrity

    This is America. Look at your lapel pin...Is that an american flag on it?
    Innocent till proven guilty. This *** deserves the right to a fair trial just as you would. The OJ trial cost millions, and he got off. This is our system, and it's the system that or forefathers fought for. Go spit on their graves if it does not work for you.

    This was a man who was rejected by Major league baseball owners as not qualified to be the chairman of MLB..[/QUOTE]
    Yeah like MLB and their bunch of steroid freaks are a good judge of anybody at least W had more experienced than BO an organizer of corrupt government funded organizations like Acorn
    Yeah, the owners of major league baseball take steroids? You know as much about baseball as you do about politics. They are 95% multimillionaire, old school Republicants. They own multinational companies and have more money than most of us will ever see. They rejected him purely on the basis that they felt he was unqualified to make policy decisions for baseball. It's like me being denied a driver's license, only to race in the indy 500 next week.

    I mean I could keep going but why..
    Republican'ts will always champion mediocrity and the below average as long as a capital R follows the name.
    Obama is been in the white house 1/4 of his term and 1/8 the time of his dim witted predecessor.
    In that time he has tried to push a health care plan that the majority of americans want. .[/QUOTE]
    A majority of Americans are against the Democrat Health Plan even the Democrats admit that yet they work behind the scenes to shove it down the peoples throat

    He has been fought tooth and nail by shills for the insurance industry in congress, who should wear patches on their 3 pieces like Nascar to tell America who his funding and sponsoring them.
    I am not gonna say I have liked all his moves in the last year.
    Like most anyone who takes that job, Your gonna piss half the world off every time you open your mouth.
    But like Lando pleaded for Han..."He just needs a little more time" .[/QUOTE]
    The USA can not afford to give him any more time for on the job training he is totally a black Jimmy Carter. without a negro dialect unless he wants one.

    Oh wait I am not a democrat so its racists for me to say that.
    The USA gave Bush 8 years and he by the majority of opinions was one of the worst leaders in world history. I could not believe Obama picked him to help with the relief effort in Haiti. Those poor folks have suffered enough!

    God I love when the board gets a good discussion going.[/QUOTE]
    See...we do agree on something....
    Last edited by HOT_WASABI_JUNKIE : 01/21/2010 at 09:59 AM

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by vt_maverick View Post
    The best kind of "facts." Calls names and forgets 8 years of history.
    8 years of (Sex Machine) Clinton...insert James Brown voice "Good God Almighty...Hey"
    You didn't have time to go back read history...Did you?
    Did you forget about those people spending millions and lots of time talking about nothing (stains,black dresses, cigars)
    The biggest waste of time in modern history...except for invading Iraq
    ps Clinton left biggest surplus in history(even if some figures were manipulated)
    As I said in first post It's the MONEY and Republicans Know money and keep it.
    I'm not for redistributing wealth...but what's wrong with helping out your fellow man ps you can't poke me with a stick. I rarely get angry
    Chi Dog...Dog is my Co-pilot
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  3. #33
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    I think 1 year is plenty of time to get a feel for a President. By this time when GWB was Prez, he started a war based on lies and personal agenda, effectively pulling on the heart strings of those naive enough to buy into it... if you didn't buy into it you were a labeled a Freedom Fries eating traitor. Of course, we put Hussein in power in the first place, what Prez was in charge at that time? Oh and we trained Bin Laden too... we're on a roll! Don't get me wrong, I love my country, I love the land, but I have little faith in the human bean and I think I have good reason. At least O's administration isn't labeling it's citizens traitors for disagreeing with them.

    Otherwise, I like what Bart said about being pro-choice and pro-whatever at the same time. The black and white extremes of our flawed system gives us the opp for the great hypocrisy of saying with a straight face and passion, "I am pro-life AND pro-war." Really, I mean really? Belonging to those ridiculous labels only sells yourself short and makes you look retarded... and I know about looking retarded! BTW, have you noticed anything interesting about TV or radio programs biased toward R or D? Why is it all the R-geared shows are run by raging hotheads having heart attacks while the D-geared shows are always comedy-oriented entertainment?
    Sent from my "two hands on a keyboard"

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZEUS View Post
    BTW, have you noticed anything interesting about TV or radio programs biased toward R or D? Why is it all the R-geared shows are run by raging hotheads having heart attacks while the D-geared shows are always comedy-oriented entertainment?
    So I put it to you my fellow americans.Would you rather laugh or have a heart attack?....I think it's because republicans are so stupid it's funny. Rush Limbaugh did not have a heart attack, you have to have a heart for that.

  5. #35
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    Exactly, it's such a joke I hardly pay attention anymore...unless I am watching The Colbert Report.


  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by nfpgasmask View Post
    Exactly, it's such a joke I hardly pay attention anymore...unless I am watching The Colbert Report.

    HA! I think it was night before last on Colbert or The Daily Show.They had a black guy on there talking about "The Magic Negro Effect"
    How people thought Obama was going to make everything perfect. FUNNY!!

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by HOT_WASABI_JUNKIE View Post
    I think it's because republicans are so stupid it's funny.
    And people who put their blind faith in a charismatic black man with questionable job skills are ... ???

    Put a smiley after you say that Bub.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by tom4bren View Post
    And people who put their blind faith in a charismatic black man with questionable job skills who came from one of the most corrupt state governments in the Union are... ???
    There, Tom, I fixed it for you.


  9. #39
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  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZEUS View Post
    Otherwise, I like what Bart said about being pro-choice and pro-whatever at the same time.
    Except those things are precisely the hot-button topics that the parties use to disguise the fact that on 99% of everything else - the topics that matter in the day-to-day life of the majority of the population - the parties are identical. It's like the old Douglas Adams bit about voting for the wrong lizard...

    [An extraterrestrial robot and spaceship has just landed on earth. The robot steps out of the spaceship...]

    "I come in peace," it said, adding after a long moment of further grinding, "take me to your Lizard."

    Ford Prefect, of course, had an explanation for this, as he sat with Arthur and watched the nonstop frenetic news reports on television, none of which had anything to say other than to record that the thing had done this amount of damage which was valued at that amount of billions of pounds and had killed this totally other number of people, and then say it again, because the robot was doing nothing more than standing there, swaying very slightly, and emitting short incomprehensible error messages.

    "It comes from a very ancient democracy, you see..."

    "You mean, it comes from a world of lizards?"

    "No," said Ford, who by this time was a little more rational and coherent than he had been, having finally had the coffee forced down him, "nothing so simple. Nothing anything like so straightforward. On its world, the people are people. The leaders are lizards. The people hate the lizards and the lizards rule the people."

    "Odd," said Arthur, "I thought you said it was a democracy."

    "I did," said Ford. "It is."

    "So," said Arthur, hoping he wasn't sounding ridiculously obtuse, "why don't the people get rid of the lizards?"

    "It honestly doesn't occur to them," said Ford. "They've all got the vote, so they all pretty much assume that the government they've voted in more or less approximates to the government they want."

    "You mean they actually vote for the lizards?"

    "Oh yes," said Ford with a shrug, "of course."

    "But," said Arthur, going for the big one again, "why?"

    "Because if they didn't vote for a lizard," said Ford, "the wrong lizard might get in. Got any gin?"


    "I said," said Ford, with an increasing air of urgency creeping into his voice, "have you got any gin?"

    "I'll look. Tell me about the lizards."

    Ford shrugged again.

    "Some people say that the lizards are the best thing that ever happened to them," he said. "They're completely wrong of course, completely and utterly wrong, but someone's got to say it."

    BTW, have you noticed anything interesting about TV or radio programs biased toward R or D? Why is it all the R-geared shows are run by raging hotheads having heart attacks while the D-geared shows are always comedy-oriented entertainment?
    Olberman seems like a raging hot-head to me. And while Colbert is out-right liberal, The Daily Show tries - sometimes at the expense of actually being funny - to be equal opportunity.

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stephen Biko View Post
    Except those things are precisely the hot-button topics that the parties use to disguise the fact that on 99% of everything else - the topics that matter in the day-to-day life of the majority of the population - the parties are identical.
    I guess for a lot of it, yes, but then why do we have some parties trying to outlaw guns and some trying to outlaw stem cell research?

    Really the only thing that effects the majority's day-to-day life are economical issues. Do we have jobs? Are gas and food prices going up? Can I afford a house? How much taxes do we pay?


  12. #42
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    Wow, I have the solution. Lets get rid of electoral votes for presidential elections, and county lines for state elections, every candidate gets the same campaign money and equivalent time slots on tv. That would mean 100% popular vote only. That would completely eliminate the chances of a democrat whiny liberal hippy or a tight assed, close minded Republican ever winning again. Right now, if you live in Utah and you are liberal, your vote does not count. Same as a conservative in Vermont. Open it up to allow everyone's vote to be the same, and then you will see an election. Make the vote not by name, but rather by policy. You have to answer questions correctly about your selection, or else your vote is null and void. I like the Starship Troopers concept of earning citizenship. It should be something that is only given to those willing to accept the responsibility that comes with it.
    Obama has done nothing, and even received a Nobel Prize for it, one he was nominated for before he even took office!!!!
    Health care for all will never work, you can threaten to fine those who do not purchase health care insurance, but good luck with that, like suing an illegal immigrant when they wreck into you car. Let me know how that goes.
    One thing I cannot figure out is how that idiot Pelosi gets reelected?!!!!!! I hope she enjoys her last term, but as mentioned before, she will be independently wealthy when she leaves office...good riddance.
    I know it was a hodge podge rant, but there is not near enough time to talk about how screwed up the system is right now.

    I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
    Thomas Jefferson

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marlin View Post
    Wow, I have the solution. Lets get rid of electoral votes for presidential elections, and county lines for state elections, every candidate gets the same campaign money and equivalent time slots on tv. That would mean 100% popular vote only. That would completely eliminate the chances of a democrat whiny liberal hippy or a tight assed, close minded Republican ever winning again. Right now, if you live in Utah and you are liberal, your vote does not count. Same as a conservative in Vermont. Open it up to allow everyone's vote to be the same, and then you will see an election. Make the vote not by name, but rather by policy. You have to answer questions correctly about your selection, or else your vote is null and void. I like the Starship Troopers concept of earning citizenship. It should be something that is only given to those willing to accept the responsibilitythat comes with it.
    Obama has done nothing, and even received a Nobel Prize for it, one he was nominated for before he even took office!!!!
    Health care for all will never work, you can threaten to fine those who do not purchase health care insurance, but good luck with that, like suing an illegal immigrant when they wreck into you car. Let me know how that goes.
    One thing I cannot figure out is how that idiot Pelosi gets reelected?!!!!!! I hope she enjoys her last term, but as mentioned before, she will be independently wealthy when she leaves office...good riddance.
    I know it was a hodge podge rant, but there is not near enough time to talk about how screwed up the system is right now.
    X2!! no time and coffee is wearing off. Ha

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by nfpgasmask View Post
    I guess for a lot of it, yes, but then why do we have some parties trying to outlaw guns and some trying to outlaw stem cell research?
    Because those are hot button topics that people easily get riled up about and provide excellent distraction from the humdrum but really important stuff.

    Really the only thing that effects the majority's day-to-day life are economical issues. Do we have jobs? Are gas and food prices going up? Can I afford a house? How much taxes do we pay?
    Yes precisely - its the economy and how massively over-manipulated it is due to lobbying. All those things you named fall out from the economic policies - or rather bazillions of exceptions and special-cases - that corps get in return for their dollars. Dollars that are pretty evenly split between both parties.

  15. #45
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    Here's a little something for both sides to wrap your brain around......

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