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Thread: Since no one seems to have mentioned it........

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  1. #1
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    Since no one seems to have mentioned it........

    Its been a year since Obama's inauguration.

    Opinions ????????

    Personally, i feel that i haven't heard a thing about Obama in the past year. Don't know why but i was expecting televised miricles performed on a weekly basis. It seams he's a regular presedent after all, mabe the 'black' thing was not such a big deal as everyone thought ????? It seams a majour step for a black presedent to be elected and his rise to power was such a high but since his presedency it turns out he runs the country the same way as any other president and his colour has neither hindered or helped him along the way. Maybe society was more ready than we thought???

    Heres the UK's news story
    Speed Thrills, Boredom Kills!!

  2. #2
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    It seams he's a regular president?

    Actually he has been a worse version of Jimmy Carter. He inherited a bad economy he made it the worst sincew the great depression. He inherited 4.8% unemployment spent an additional $700,000,000,000,000 to keep it under 8% and has taken it to 10.2% (10% is you are looking at December temp jobs) The stimulous went to keeping government employees hired at the expense of private workers who actually produce something. Every stimulous dollar that can be tracked went to projects with high union/democrat voters it was a payoff pure and simple. He promised change and open government he brought pain and suffering with secret back door meetings and dictator would be jealous of. He is a dissappointment of the highest order.

    I would even rather have George W back even he was much better than BO.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by circmand View Post
    The stimulous went to keeping government employees hired at the expense of private workers who actually produce something.
    Waitaminit - I are one of those.

    I'm not an Obama fan (not because I'm predjudiced but because he was elected by the media instead of the people).

    My program was cut by 50% both last year & this year which cut many Defense Contractor positions as well as a few Government positions.

    That's all I got to say 'bout that.

    Put a smiley after you say that Bub.

  4. #4
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    Obama has set back the chance for a black man to ever be president again for decades. Lots of people voted for him because of his skin color, certainly wasn't his experience or track record. Now everyone will have a bad taste, and all the young people that voted for him will not forget that. Its a shame really, but at least we know that there will be some common sense restored in congress soon, and in 3 more years, the presidency. A solid independent would have an amazing shot in 2012.

    I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
    Thomas Jefferson

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by tom4bren View Post
    because he was elected by the media instead of the people
    Exactly. And as far as I can see, he hasn't done much so far. I think he did inherit a chit sandwich for sure, so he has an uphill climb, but either way, he's nothing but another figurehead.

    On a good note, he can actually speak to an audience without sounding like a redneck idiot. And at very least, I hope he earns back some respect for the United States that was lost (or rather punched in the stomach and then kicked in groin) while Premier Bush was in office.

    I don't like Obama much, but Bush was a straight up buffoon. Bottom line, he's a politician. Nothing more. I'm just sick of the way this country is run by one extreme or another. It seems there will never be a middle ground president.


  6. #6
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    I hate to get involved in this sort of thread because they sometimes get heated. I know I'm very opinionated on this subject, and we all know opinions are like arseholes... we've all got one and they all stink.

    So, here's mine:
    BHO is a major left wing socialist. He has thrown all of the catch-words out there like "social justice" etc. This sort of person (politician or not) believes that those that are successful in life owe something to those who are less successful. It doesn't matter that I have worked about 70 hours this week already. I make too much money for a white guy, and I owe it to people that aren't so blessed. That's called wealth redistribution. One bad flag for BHO.

    Another issue I have is this apologist attitude he and other lefties have towards the rest of the world. They believe that the big mean United States has been a bully all around the world. They think that's why radical Islamists want to blow us up. So he has been playing nice and sucking up and apologizing for all the mean things the US has done, and has not garnered the respect of anyone that didn't respect Mr Bush. He has likely lost respect over Mr. Bush.
    The radicals want us dead because we are the devil to them. Nothing BHO can do to change their opinion.
    If we are the big bully US, why are we dumping millions into Haiti to help those people suffering over there. We could sit back and let them deal with it. The truth is, any time there is a major conflict or major natural disaster, we are the number one country those suffering look to for help. We always give help when needed. Remember the sunami?

    I think Bush the second was a far greater president than what we have today. I did have issues with him as well, but would take him back in a second. He sucked at public speaking, but he carried a big stick. The Iraq war is a big issue for a lot of people, but either way, that one was won under Bush, and the country is working on growing as a democracy.
    Bush screwed up big time with bail-out number one. He regrets it too, but all the people he trusted to help make the decision told him it was the right thing to do.

    Another big issue with BHO is the spending spree. I know people like to think every president spends like crazy, but BHO's budget is bigger than the budgets of George Washington to George Bush 2, and every president in between combined!! I don't think that's the way to grow the economy. If they were worried about the economy and no so much social justice, they would cut taxes on the middle class and on businesses so they could afford to start creating jobs again. There are countless studies and examples in the past that proof that is how to spurn the economy. Not by blowing through tax-payer money like skittles. The government doesn't do anything to make money. It simply takes it from us. At least businesses take money for providing a good or service, and they spend that money to continue doing business. That's how the economy works, or at least used to.

    Ok, I'm done. I hope no one is angered by this, because I hate when these threads turn bitter. This is just one humble conservative's opinion on the current president.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by nfpgasmask View Post
    I'm just sick of the way this country is run by one extreme or another. It seems there will never be a middle ground president
    That's funny, other than a few hotbutton issues, McCain and Obama are pretty much identical policy-wise. I don't think its a case of extremes, but rather the convergence of both parties to about the same place resulting in rhetoric full of sound and fury; signifying nothing.

    Its kind of the way really big mutual funds tend to end up mimicing the general stock market. You've got two huge parties that account for roughly 99% of the votes - when they are that broad-based they both end up at the same place. So they have to make a huge deal of the very minor differences between them.

    Slightly extreme would be someone like Ron Paul or Ralph Nader. Really extreme I can't even name any politicians that fit the bill on the right, just talking heads like Pat Robertson or Michelle Malkin vs somebody like Brian Moore of the Socialist Party USA (despite his being way more capitalist than someone like Karl Marx).

  8. #8
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    I personally don't think the general populace had realistic expectations before the man was elected, and don't think the general populace has since adopted expectations that are any more realistic now.

    Maybe it was just poor timing on the television networks' parts that movies like The Legend of Bagger Vance, The Green Mile, etc. were being shown so much leading up to the election, which resulted in people starting to believe too much in magical black men? I don't know.

    But, to expect that as much change as some apparently expected, could take place in the relatively small amount of time that has passed so far is what really seems least to me anyway. Especially when we are talking about most of the same people in government (world and domestic), big business/special interest, etc, resorting to the same old tactics when they don't get their way.

    So, as far as providing an opinion for this thread, I think the guy is at least trying, but when the majority of people are looking for any excuses they can to complain about things rather than focusing on what they may be able to do to help, what kind of expectations can a person really have for the man to be given a fair assessment?

  9. #9
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    Obama worse than George Bush?
    What are you people smoking in here?
    GWB was the worst president we ever had.
    Much like Jesus turned water into wine,
    He turned surplus into deficit.
    Had his head way up his *** during a preventable terrorist attack.
    Gave his Arabian Horse club friend the reigns at Fema during one of the worst natural disasters of our time...and even with Dopler radar did not see Katrina comming.
    Put our country in the worst financial straights since the depression.
    Defended the credit card companies, banks, and wealthiest 1% of this country over the masses of hard working american middle class and poor.
    Striped away civil rights of all americans while torturing and killing ten of thousands of innocent people who just happened to be in the wrong country a the wrong time.
    This was a man who was rejected by Major league baseball owners as not qualified to be the chairman of MLB.
    I mean I could keep going but why..
    Republican'ts will always champion mediocrity and the below average as long as a capital R follows the name.
    Obama is been in the white house 1/4 of his term and 1/8 the time of his dim witted predecessor.
    In that time he has tried to push a health care plan that the majority of americans want. He has been fought tooth and nail by shills for the insurance industry in congress, who should wear patches on their 3 pieces like Nascar to tell America who his funding and sponsoring them.
    I am not gonna say I have liked all his moves in the last year.
    Like most anyone who takes that job, Your gonna piss half the world off every time you open your mouth.
    But like Lando pleaded for Han..."He just needs a little more time" .

  10. #10
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    Really? you'd rather Bush! I didn't know about the above, all i heard on the news was an HIV sufferer who was now allowed to enter the US when Bush had banned it.

  11. #11
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    In this country, what politician isn't elected "by" the media? Democrats or republicans all they do is spend hundreds of millions trying to influence media reporting.

    As for what I think of Obama - Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Gitmo is still open, he backpedaled on anti-wiretapping even before getting elected, spending continues at rates comparable to Bush. Healthcare is turning into a repeat of the medicare drug fiasco (in which the lobbyists wrote the bill such that medicare is legally prevented from using their buying power to negotiate pricing).

    At least he didn't really scew up the continuing marginalization of Al-Qaeda - nobody even cared about the underpants bomber in the arab press, it was backpage news at best. Although failing to tell everyone to stop acting so hysterical over the underpants bomber doesn't help here at home.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stephen Biko View Post
    In this country, what politician isn't elected "by" the media? Democrats or republicans all they do is spend hundreds of millions trying to influence media reporting.
    True, but I was referring to all of the free publicity he got from Hollywood.

  13. #13
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    I agree with Marlin, a strong Independent could probably pull it off. Can you imagine if a guy name Mitchum ran as an Independent. His slogan could be "With Mitchum you can be rid of the BO."
    So I said to myself, I said "Handee"
    and this voice came back and said..
    "He's not in, may we take a message?"

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by handeeman View Post
    I agree with Marlin, a strong Independent could probably pull it off. Can you imagine if a guy name Mitchum ran as an Independent. His slogan could be "With Mitchum you can be rid of the BO."
    LMFAO, you just made my day...

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by handeeman View Post
    I agree with Marlin, a strong Independent could probably pull it off. Can you imagine if a guy name Mitchum ran as an Independent. His slogan could be "With Mitchum you can be rid of the BO."
    Robert Mitchum's corpse for president!...
    Last edited by Ldub : 01/20/2010 at 03:51 PM

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