I personally don't think the general populace had realistic expectations before the man was elected, and don't think the general populace has since adopted expectations that are any more realistic now.
Maybe it was just poor timing on the television networks' parts that movies like The Legend of Bagger Vance, The Green Mile, etc. were being shown so much leading up to the election, which resulted in people starting to believe too much in magical black men? I don't know.
But, to expect that as much change as some apparently expected, could take place in the relatively small amount of time that has passed so far is what really seems unrealistic...at least to me anyway. Especially when we are talking about most of the same people in government (world and domestic), big business/special interest, etc, resorting to the same old tactics when they don't get their way.
So, as far as providing an opinion for this thread, I think the guy is at least trying, but when the majority of people are looking for any excuses they can to complain about things rather than focusing on what they may be able to do to help, what kind of expectations can a person really have for the man to be given a fair assessment?