That's why I was lookin for them for the expo rig - "ugly full size truck rims". Your VX is shaping up to be a full size truck anyway tho. :P I guess we both missed out on 'em... this time! I reeaaalllyy didn't need 35"s laying around yet anyway. ;( yeah right. We both want two sets of tires... we should try again soon!
Agreed, let's both keep our eyes open, maybe something will materialize. I put up a wanted post over at Pirate, maybe someone's been sitting on a set or two.

I like the Hutchinson wheels. If wheels were guns they would look like this: All business.
LOL, yeah, they do look tough, but I'm just not a fan of the fullsize look wheels. They just all look like the same five designs they've been rehashing since the 70's. I will say at least the hutchinsons are one of the designs I could live with. They do have a certain THUD charm I guess.

If you are interestd in the internal beadlocks had the stauns on clearance sale. Also there is another company making them. I'll see if I can find their info.
The other company is look identical to the stauns except color.
I'm definitely staying away from the inflatables. Stazworks is out of business, and from what I could tell they were the forerunner in that type of beadlock. Not such a warm fuzzy feeling. From what I've been told they are an absolute PITA to work with especially on the trail, tricky to balance, and some people report going through the tubes on a higher frequency than I'd like. One guy also said he cut a tires sidewall because it got pinched between the rock and the innertube causing a "pinch flat". I have heard of the innerairlocks too, but like you said, they are pretty much the same. I like the hutchinsons, it's just finding them that's hard. Also, their parts support is somewhat questionable.