Hi Guy's and Gail's,

I have a 99 VX (58k) that ran hot. After I had taken the time to replace the timing belt and Water pump. But no deed goes UN-punished it ran hot anyway, I found that the new water pump was leaking. So I got another one put it in but no soap it would not start. So I went through and re-checked my timing and found out I had a blow-ed head gasket. So I pulled both heads had a valve job done put it all back together, then found both out side boots bad (no biggie) but when I went to ad H2O I found I have a leak that seems to be coming from the rear of the engine. Is there a freeze plug that could have blown out? Could the block be cracked? Or is there a hose that I am not a where of that could be replaced to solve this very irritating/disheartening problem?

All ideas/input appreciated

