Quote Originally Posted by VX crazy View Post
I was coming out of a store the other day and this woman and her kid (maybe 6-12yrs I cant tell) were blocking the drive and the boy was chasing something is circles, it was a baby field mouse....so I just rolled up the window and drove around them.....
You were coming out of the store IN your VX??? I gotta move to TX.

Almost related story: I was in the Springfield mall years ago & decided to stop in the pet store. Just as I was walking in, this parakeet flew straight at my face. I instinctively grabbed it. It ended up that a lady was buying it for her daughter and as the clerk was putting it in a box for them, it bit him & got away. I put the bird in the box as it was biting the crap out of my hand. The clerk handed the girl the box & she immediately looked inside then whispered something to her mother. The mother told the clerk that she didn't want that bird ... there was blood on it. The clerk & I looked at each other with this sort of expression -