A little background --

For the last few weeks I've been having a problem with my Dell Dimension desktop that required me to "Press <DEL> to Resume" on boot up. I did a LOT of research and this problem seems to be limited to certain Dell models, but no definative resolution was provided on any site. A lot of "Try this..." responses. I tried it all! I reset my CMOS (even with a jumper), updated my ROM with the latest version, and even reloaded Windows XP after one early attempt at disabling drivers left me with a system that couldn't locate the activation code.

Now, here's the scary part --

I finally broke down and called Dell Tech support. After giving the tech my service tag code and verifying my name, address and phone number, he had me shut the computer off and restart. IT BOOTED UP!! He said he fixed my config.sys file (or some config). How could he fix my computer without me even being on line? The phone number I gave him is not even the line my computer is hooked up to. Is BIG BROTHER that powerful? What kind of back door do they have to my system? Are they keeping track of my actions? (Not that I have anything to hide )

Anybody know for sure?? Or is this something we're not allowed to discuss out in the open?...:nog: It sure scares me.