OMG, went thru this scenario with my're correct, you do NOT need to buy it now, just must buy it before the factory warranty expires. Money guy just gets a huge commission on the sale NOW, so he/she is a "closer" and wants to get that extended warranty inked NOW, before you walk out the door and may never return to buy from THEM.

I don't think any of them are concurrent, I believe even the bad ones don't start until the day after factory expires.

BTW- you do NOT have to buy these policies thru your selling dealer, you can buy them from any authorized seller and online.

I ended up buying a "full coverage" policy from a used car dealership before my warranty expired, but then when I had a claim 2 months later, they sent me back my full premium and said the contract was "invalid" WTF? INVALID?? and should never have been written in the first place....they weren't denying my "claim", they just cancelled the entire policy unilaterally!
BUT NOW I was PAST factory warranty expiration...which means my extended warranty just went up significantly in price, and I could only get a 48 month policy, whereas, I could have gotten a longer term/mileage, had I done so before the expiration of the factory warranty! ARGHHH!

After some choice language and meetings with the car selling place who misrepresented what was covered, we got them to give us $200 and the full refund of premium paid. The $200 was compensation for the extra premium we were now going to have to pay due to expired factory warranty. It didn't cover the true increased amount, but it was all we could get out of the ba$turds.

I then spent hours researching companies, learning every frickin' term in the contracts, finding out which ones were weasel words, researching the companies on the Better Business Bureau, etc etc.....boy was that eye opening, as you've just found out Anita, about US Fidelis.
Turns out the only one I found that was reputable and legit was Warranty Direct. Their top of the line policy offered very comprehensive coverage. Since it was a BMW I knew things were bound to go wrong and I wanted the most comprehensive policy as I "planned" to keep it for many years...(yeah right!). The price for the worthless contact was $2,400, the Warranty Direct one was $3, get what you pay for. Warranty Direct had less expensive choices, and they covered less items on the vehicle, but it was clearly understood.

There are several major components that weren't covered by the first policy but you had to be an attorney to read the contract and figure out which ones were not covered. Yeah, they have an excluded list, but it still itsn't clear on some components.

And, if one component fails and causes another component to fail, the 2nd item isn't covered, ....tricks like that are used throughout the contracts with these cheezy operations.....

They don't run concurrently, the start the day after factory expires...and there in is one of the easily misunderstood's not 72 months or 100k starting on day one of the's based on your TOTAL months or miles. So if you have 60,000 miles on it on the day factory expires, you can buy a 100k policy, but it's only covering you for the next 40,000 miles, not 60k + 100k.

I can't recall the name of the 1st company right now, and I can't recall the many "weasel words" and terms the contracts used that actually result in no coverage on certain components...I have a folder on it I can pull to refresh my memory.

Can ya tell this kind of ticked me off a wee bit? !!

You don't have to do anything urgently Anita so don't jump in until you're clear what it covers. PM me if you want some more info!