The tail pipes are indeed Tom's (Tomdietrying).
As far as coordinates just do a search for the trail name and gps coordinates and you should find sites that list them.
As for Lions is now closed...private property, so no more vehicles on Lions Back.
There was some pretty good VX carnage but I will let those individuals tell the story since I was not there.

Today I went to 7 Mile Rim with Todd Adams. Was a good trip...lots of scenery and a few chalenging spots to keep me entertained. Here are a few pics from the day.

Heading into the trail

A tight squeze in "The Toaster"

Broken Arche

Uranium Arche

Lunch...Moab style

Our trail leader...Todd and Linda

Tomorrow I pack up, eat some banana walnut pancakes in town, and take the long drive home. I will post a lot more pics once I get there and get some civilized internet service!