Dub was a real champ and installed the Xenonrider.com HID hi/lo kit for me while we were in Moab. Same kit Rowhard & LittleBeast have.
I love them, they're crazy bright!!! You can see any type of street sign light up way ahead. Awesome!
Now the not-so-awesome part....I bought a set of 38 LED Xenon white tower bulbs (see pic below) for the round front marker lights. They seemed great, very very bright, thought all was good. Told Eric (etlsport) about them he ordered some too. He was happy but we both found out that after being on for about 10 mins, they turned a pretty strong blue hue, like really blue!
I was showing this to Kenny & Jack (and some others, can't recall who) one evening in Moab. Kenny took them apart and found they were hotter than an LED should be, but the housing wasn't melted or damaged at all. When he touched the bulb, several went out, then it just self-destructed, split at the seams and each side kinda peeled back like a banana- poof! Done! Kaput! Eric said his also blew up.
So I took out the other one, and put in some extra amber LEDs I had.
Returned the one to the ebay seller and they suggested another LED tower they sold with 25 LEDs, also said it would match the 6000k HID headlights really well. Got the 25 LED towers, installed tonight. Not a hint of blue! Left them on for a while, engine running, no blue. They do match the 6000k HIDs way better than anything I expected.
Bottom pic is with the amber LEDs, I like the white better, so I'm going to leave them in and we'll see how long they last. In the pics, it seems the 6000k HIDs give off a very faint touch of blue, but my eyes didn't perceive that. The LEDs don't give off any blue. I think these two look OK together, the LEDs are whiter than I expected, so they match better. I also put in purple/UV LEDs in the horn lights, but they're so faint, you can barely see them in last pic, can only be seen from side view.....
Got them on ebay $18.99 for pair: