Originally posted by Heraclid
I've read in more than one place about VehiCrosses with problems caused by aftermarket remote starter installations. Only tracked one of 'em down so far, and it just touches on it. I don't know precisely why it's a problem either, just that it has been documented. One review has a list of trouble spots for the VX, and goes on to say the following:

"Starter: Aftermarket remote-starting devices may cause the transmission to upshift roughly. Removing the remote kit will correct the condition. (1999-2000)"

The whole review can be found here:


BTW, just gotta laugh at this report's cost for alternator repair... try twice that folks.

The biggest problem is the second ignition wire tap.

If it is not hooked up, the TOD is not engaged by the remote start, and you will either have harsh shifting, or winter mode at startup.
