A wise man suggested I bring this topic back to the surface.

O.K. Here it goes.

Here's a thought and a question. We have always been dicated to when we had each Moab ZuZu. When Isuzu ran it, they told us when it was. It was always the next week after Mother's Day. That ment the VX Run was on the first Tuesday after Mother's Day.

I don't know about you, but in order for me to make it to the VX Run, that ment I had to leave a day before Mother's Day. I've been doing that for the last 6 years. Needless to say, I haven't celebrated Mother's Day with my Mom or my wife for six years.

Since we are no longer dictated by Izusu, why not move it back a week after Mother's Day? This will solve two major problems. First, it will get my wife off my back. Second, I will no longer be on my Mom's hit list. Seriously, I can't be the only person who has this problem.

Mother's Day will be on May 8th in 2011. Normally, ZuZu would be on the week following Mother's Day. That would be on May 10 - 14th. I'm proposing we do ZuZu on May 17 - 21st in 2011.

Anyone else want to change the date to the following week? That means the VX Run would be on May 17th 2011. What do ya say? Can we do this?
