Quote Originally Posted by Riff Raff View Post
Hmmm, here's a better idea for 'ya-- since the VX is capable of holding four(4) persons, you could drive the VX (passenger #1) and transport your wife (passenger #2), your own mother (passenger #3), and your mother-in-law (passenger #4) all to MOAB 2011 in the VX on the regular scheduled dates. Take them all up "Hells Revenge" for a picnic at the summit.

In this way; the pre-scheduled dates for MOAB 2011 won't be changed to conflict with other competing groups, and you can have a 3-way Mother's Day celebration all at the same time. Brilliant!!!
LOL now if only that would work in the real world, hahahaha. My wife actualy said I could drive out there for this by myself and she'd stay home with the kids haha. Probably wouldn't be too happy to know I'd be gone for Mother's Day though lol.