I've read a whole lot about the window problem others have had, and I'd rather avoid that one if possible. I used to have a Porsche with a funky driver's window (if you let it down too far it'd drop into the door - whee!), and I don't want to have a VX with one - especially not in the winter in Chicago.

I called a dealer today, and asked them if they'd do the fix proactivly. They told me that they needed to wait until the problem happened, so they'd "know where to shim it." I thought this fix was applicable proactively; can anyone give me the real deal?

They also told me (trustworthy service guys) that "some of the VXs had a factory fix installed," and if mine turned out to be one of them, then Isuzu wouldn't pay them when they submitted the warranty repair paperwork. Has anyone ever heard that Isuzu did a manufacture alteration to address this issue???