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Thread: What would you guys do

  1. #46
    Member Since
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    Oh, sorry, LOL!!!
    Vixer Fixer

  2. #47
    Member Since
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    '01, Proton Yellow, 1028. '01, Gunmetal Metallic, 1033.
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    I really hate to think that this thread is indicative of the general sentiment and goodwill (or lack thereof) of forum members as a whole...If it is, it seems I've made a grave error in judgement! From everything I've seen to date, this must be an anomaly...

  3. #48
    Member Since
    Apr 2010
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    I wasn't looking for vindication, looking for opinions. I don't need vindication. I don't thinkI should have to give it back according to our original agreement but I have no problem trying to work with him to make sure both sides are pleased. If I was an a-hole I wouldn't even bother talking to him
    Last edited by RamAirZ : 07/17/2010 at 11:15 PM
    1999 Isuzu Vehicross-#1209- lots of mods - gone
    1995 Honda Passport: Lifted, Locked, 34x10.50's, just a few things..-Click for build thread

  4. #49
    Member Since
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    Just trying to clear your conscience, at least you have one...LOL!

  5. #50
    Member Since
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    ya I do, unlike alot of people in this world. Most people would have said F off and not even replied to him, I'm at least trying to work with him but I'm not going to lose moey on him either since he drug me alot for awhile

  6. #51
    Member Since
    Jul 2009
    '01, Proton Yellow, 1028. '01, Gunmetal Metallic, 1033.
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    For the life of me, I don't see where you're "losing money"! It cost you nothing to keep them a while longer, his money was in your bank account earning you interest (if you have half a brain and had it there) and you still have the wheels to sell to the next dude who must have them...where is the loss? Did they depreciate that rapidly? Are they now worth ****-loads less then they were before? Do you have storage fees that must be recouped? WHAT??? How did you get ****** over??? Did ya ever think for a moment that maybe his life isn't as rosey as yours? Maybe he can't afford two dandy offroad rigs like you can? Maybe he's trying to make the best of what he has and what HE can afford! Did that ever cross your mind? Doesn't sound like it...And the rest of you money-grubbing pricks should be ashamed. Advise like "**** 'em" is the last thing we need to hear, this forum is better then that, or so I thought!

  7. #52
    Member Since
    Jun 2007
    2001, Proton
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    what I see

    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Larson View Post
    For the life of me, I don't see where you're "losing money"! It cost you nothing to keep them a while longer, his money was in your bank account earning you interest (if you have half a brain and had it there) and you still have the wheels to sell to the next dude who must have them...where is the loss? Did they depreciate that rapidly? Are they now worth ****-loads less then they were before? Do you have storage fees that must be recouped? WHAT??? How did you get ****** over??? Did ya ever think for a moment that maybe his life isn't as rosey as yours? Maybe he can't afford two dandy offroad rigs like you can? Maybe he's trying to make the best of what he has and what HE can afford! Did that ever cross your mind? Doesn't sound like it...And the rest of you money-grubbing pricks should be ashamed. Advise like "**** 'em" is the last thing we need to hear, this forum is better then that, or so I thought!
    He hasd them for sale. This guy asked him to hold them. While holding them he had to say no to a few offers. The guy reniged and so far he has not had any new buyers. The deposit would be for putting up with the guys seevral delays, not responding to his efforts to contact and now having to redo the whole sales process. The loss of time and the loss of a sale he could have had if Capt. Deuschbag hadnt made him tell other people no and then flaking.

  8. #53
    Member Since
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Larson View Post
    For the life of me, I don't see where you're "losing money"! It cost you nothing to keep them a while longer, his money was in your bank account earning you interest (if you have half a brain and had it there) and you still have the wheels to sell to the next dude who must have them...where is the loss? Did they depreciate that rapidly? Are they now worth ****-loads less then they were before? Do you have storage fees that must be recouped? WHAT??? How did you get ****** over??? Did ya ever think for a moment that maybe his life isn't as rosey as yours? Maybe he can't afford two dandy offroad rigs like you can? Maybe he's trying to make the best of what he has and what HE can afford! Did that ever cross your mind? Doesn't sound like it...And the rest of you money-grubbing pricks should be ashamed. Advise like "**** 'em" is the last thing we need to hear, this forum is better then that, or so I thought!

    You must vote for Democrats...

    Time is money...and not everyones time is worth the same amount of money....(I value what little I have of it)....imagine, for a moment, what mods could have been done to RamAirz VX with the money??? Mebey he was planning a locker before MOAB???? Or mabey my new Super Flexy IFS Mod....But now hell have to wait even longer, due to this A-hole.....and at the rate things are going, what if the rims dont sell untill next spring, and then Ramairz dosn't have the needed time to do the install before the Moab trip....

    He knew he wasn't ever getting the money back when he clicked "send money" on the PaYPAL SITE

    I hope your not calling me a Prick, cuase Ive got a few bucks??? And why should I be ashamed?????
    Last edited by BigMeatVX : 07/18/2010 at 12:22 AM

  9. #54
    Member Since
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Larson View Post
    For the life of me, I don't see where you're "losing money"! It cost you nothing to keep them a while longer, his money was in your bank account earning you interest (if you have half a brain and had it there) and you still have the wheels to sell to the next dude who must have them...where is the loss? Did they depreciate that rapidly? Are they now worth ****-loads less then they were before? Do you have storage fees that must be recouped? WHAT??? How did you get ****** over??? Did ya ever think for a moment that maybe his life isn't as rosey as yours? Maybe he can't afford two dandy offroad rigs like you can? Maybe he's trying to make the best of what he has and what HE can afford! Did that ever cross your mind? Doesn't sound like it...And the rest of you money-grubbing pricks should be ashamed. Advise like "**** 'em" is the last thing we need to hear, this forum is better then that, or so I thought!

    Seriously, are you that dense? The 2 guys before me said it fairly well and I'll just add to it. I didn't just take his money and sit back, i tried contacting him MULTIPLE times, a few times he even said yes I still want them don't sell them, so I held onto them. Then he goes away and my potential buyers found other rims instead of waiting for mine. Market's come and go, there isn't a steady stream of buyers for alot of things and these wheels included, especially in my area. It's not like the Borbet's had a huge calling and every one and there mother wants them. There are a select few who know what they are and a few others who just think they look cool, but other than that it's scarce, so losing out on money AND my time sucks. Your telling me if someone did this to you and you got stuck holding onto that product that you could have sold 2 months ago but instead now have it because he ditched out and then decides he wants his money back (not a week after you talked originally, we are talking months) you wouldn't even be the slightest bit irritated? My life isn't rosey, I don't have alot of extra money (the Rodeo is gone fyi), I make due with what I have and I'm pretty good at what i do so that saves money, and anytime I sell a car part it goes to fixing up my stuff. I do have half a brain (a whole one last I checked) but last time I checked, $110 doesn't earn you a butt load of interest even with a %1.5 interest rate in a savings account over 2 months. When I say "lost" money it's because the offers I'm getting now are substantially less than my original offers from other parties that I COULD have sold to back then, way more than I have/could have earned in ANY savings account, that and the high yield accounts would need a high balance to start with so just dropping in $110 wouldn't have done crap with nothing else in there. I have thought if his life isn't as rosey but I've also learned there are alot of douchebags out there who could give two craps about me so why should I continue to worry about them? I have a wife and two kids to worry about, I don't need to worry about jo schmo on craigslist and think everytime a guy gives me a sob excuse it's true, because 99% of the time is all bulls**t. He didn't even give me a sob story, just said he didn't want them anymore. he didn't say "oh I got sent to iraq now" or "my mom died and I have to pay for a funeral" (I've gotten this excuse 3 times in one week before, must be a bad week for craigslist moms), just said hey I decided I don't want them. um, I'm sorry, you have me hold them, you keep flaking then give me the occasional email saying you want them still so I'm nice and continue to hold. Sorry, that's BS. I hope for god's sake you aren't that oblivious to the things that go on in these types of deals. These guys browse craigslist 24/7, email every guy they see something they are interested in, lead them on, then they pick one and ditch the other guys, happens all the time. they want to try and keep all of them on the hook in case another purchase falls through. is it bad business strategy on there end, honestly not, but it's not right either. It's the "all about me" mentality. Did you ever think I might need that money to pay for my kids surgery or something and I held out on what i thought was a sure thing being nice just to lose out and now my kid is missing a leg? That could be the other side of your "rosey" life. It also doesn't help that he is saying he is still somewhat interested in them now. I would have had no problem if he had just said "hey man, I don't really have the money now, I'm sorry". I'm cool with that. I worked with him in every way possible before hand, just communicate and be honest. Oh and he wanted to meet this weekend to try them on his truck, which I agreed to do at a place and day of his choosing, he just need to pick a time, and guess what, 2 days (almost 3 full days) and no contact again! If I don't hear from him by tomorrow before work I'm done and not working with him anymore. I'm not playing this game over and over

    Oh and as far as your general sentiment and goodwill statement earlier, this past week I had 2 members (Planet not Vehicross) stay at my house for a few days (never met them before in my life, just chatted on the forums), modified one's ARB bumper to match his body lift (cut, weld, mock, etc etc), installed a CB, rewired lights, fixed control arms, CV's, replaced a few wheel studs, fixed wheel bearing and "cage", all for no charge. These were younger members coming through town and we decided to have a meet. I felt no need for them to waste the money on a hotel room and the one member had been trying for awhile to get someone to fix his bumper. I love helping people, I love lending a hand and opening my home to GOOD people but i'm also smart enough to realize when I'm being duped. I've been screwed over too many times by being the "nice" guy that I learned to pick out the people who weren't "true". I don't think this thread has any bearing on the "goodwill" of the members here, I'm sure all of the people here would go out of there way to help someone, but this guy doesn't need help. Or maybe he does, just not the kind of help i can provide
    Last edited by RamAirZ : 07/17/2010 at 11:34 PM

  10. #55
    Member Since
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    BigMeat, I vote for the Dems so that ain't it.

    Mr. Larson must make a lot of deals/promises he can't keep and needs bailing out of himself. That's gotta be it.

    "Through Great Sacrifice..... Great Rewards Will Be Achieved"

  11. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigMeatVX View Post
    I hope your not calling me a Prick, cuase Ive got a few bucks??? And why should I be ashamed?????

    Your not a money grubbing prick, just a prick just messing Alan

  12. #57
    Member Since
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    Whoa this thread has gone south quickly... RamAirZ, why don't you just update us when something actually happens?

  13. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by vt_maverick View Post
    Whoa this thread has gone south quickly...

    And just what's wrong with the south???

    Some of my best friends live down south...

    ..................... ......


    Sorry, that was just too easy...

    J/K...fake rant over......

  14. #59
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    ^ lol Ya I'll update ya soon, I still haven't heard back from him and if I don't hear something by tonight I'm done trying.

  15. #60
    Member Since
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    Wow, Scott, your posts seem sort of harsh. I've been a fairly active trader on eBay and Craigslist over the years, and frankly life is too short to deal with deadbeat buyers. Time IS money. And there is no way to put a value or "cost" on the frustration caused by the idiots out there who make commitments that they have no intention of keeping.

    And yes, I've "lost" money when a buyer flaked out and I had to sell to the next lower bidder. In this case, RamAirZ has repeatedly offered to uphold his side of the transaction. Why would anyone want to make him the 'bad guy' in this situation?

    $110 bucks is not enough money to pay for the aggravation the deadbeat buyer has caused.

    Just my opinion, of course.
    OEM roof rack, Thule Xpedition 696 rack, Rancho RS9000 shocks, OME 913 coil springs, 3" lift, American Racing Teflon Chambers wheels, Yokohama Geolandar HT/S G051 tires (275/70/16), Energy Suspension greaseable bushings, steel-braided Kevlar-reinforced brake lines, WeatherTech wind deflectors, Malibu 18w driving lights, Plasma SuperWhite 100w headlights, NGK Iridium plugs, K&N drop-in air filter, Optima Red Top, Psychos2 rear-door subwoofer enclosure w/CDT Audio 10" sub, Blaupunkt subwoofer amp, iPod Video 80GB, Kenwood KVT-617 DVD head unit w/7" motorized touch-screen, Kenwood GPS HD navigation module, Kenwood iPod adapter, Kenwood back-up camera, Sirius radio, Flowmaster Extreme Off-Road muffler (black diamond-plate steel) w/ carbon fiber tip, Ford Taurus OEM cup-holder/coin tray (single-DIN/lower bay), personalized license plate "ORBITAL", 3M window tint, debadged, removed rear seat, custom 'radiation symbol' side magnetic signs, VX Concepts front skid plate

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