Can't leave a man scratching his head - he might end up hair-challenged like me.
Not sure about pulling the strap to release the seats, I just pull the latch lever.
But if there is a hook on the end of your strap, it has to engage with a bracket under your carpet to hold the seats up. There is a small flap in the carpet with velcro holding it closed normally.
If you have your front seats pushed back, the strap will not reach, so move the front seats forward and locate the bracket.
Pull your rear seats all the way forward, and then pull the bejessus outa the strap, hold your tongue just right, and it all fits together.
It is not easy.
Then you can slide your front seats back and they rest on the back seats folded forward.
See - its not that you are a dumbass - you just didn't hold your tongue right.