Quote Originally Posted by HOT_WASABI_JUNKIE View Post
It's typical that you'd blame Clinton.
He was out of office in like 2000?

All the aid that people are getting is not just freeloaders..
Its your mom, your uncle, your next door neighbor,it's your fellow countrymen who worked and worked till the work ran out, because nobody is spending money.
You are exactly right, but it is NOT THE GOVERNMENT'S JOB to provide for others. That is what churches, charities, neighbors and family are for. Taking from me what I worked my *** off for and giving to someone who did not is not helping anyone.
The economic crisis spawned from the housing crash. PERIOD. In the Navy, your job is defined by your rate. We have a saying, "choose your rate, choose your fate". If you chose to work in a non-secure field and subsequently lose your job, get over it and move on. There are lots of jobs out there, I am sure I can take a white collar worker and they can do manual labor just fine, they just aren't willing to "stoop" to that level. So do not give me that whiny "life isn't fair" BS. The jobs are out there, you might have to move, Alaska has a bunch of jobs. Believe it or not, living in Southern California is not a right. Having a nice car is not a right. Having a boat and your own house is not a right. Health care is not a right. Having a gun is a right, having the freedom of speech is a right.