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Thread: Political humor

  1. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by nfpgasmask View Post

    Love these danm burgers....



  2. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ldub View Post
    Imunna sit this one out...
    And hang out over here inna corner wit my Buddy Bart, eating cheeboogies & watching while you kids regurgitate the same stuff...
    Can I join you guys...mmm burgers!!
    Chi Dog...Dog is my Co-pilot
    Onward thru the fog
    Leave it BETTER than you found it!

  3. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Harness View Post
    Can I join you guys...mmm burgers!!
    We'ed be honored...

    Hope ya brought'cha appetite...


  4. #49
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    Sure thing Scott, pull up a chair! What kinda cheese you want on your burger? American? Swiss? Provolone? Cheddar? Personally, I like Cheddar and bacon on my burgers, but to keep things relevant, I think we should all have American.


  5. #50
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    Can I get a burger with gub'ment cheese?

  6. #51
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    I call

    Burger Thread Jack

  7. #52
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    Mmmm, cheddar & bacon does sound good. Actually... hold the burger and the bun - I just want a big stack of bacon and some cheese.

  8. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by circmand View Post
    When an armed robber breaks into your home at gun point and takes stuff you worked hard to get he gets arrested and sent to jail?

    But when the government takes money right from your pay check and threatens to take everything from you backed up by the threat of gunpoint it is considered morally right?

    HWJ if you want to take all your wordly possesions sell them and give them to the poor that would be charitable and human. But when you or other liberals decide to take my property and income and give them to other people YOU consider deserving that is socialism. I dontae time and money to organizations I feel are worthy. That is my right. What gives you the right to decide where my money goes?

    Did you realize that before you get your paycheck the FEd takes over 30% off the top. Then depending what state you live in they take 8%, then depending on the muni you live in another 5%. If you own your own home they take several thousand a year. On top of that any money you spend there is sales tax around 8%. This is the level of taxes not for the rich but for the average working. Of which there were more under Bush @ 6% unemployment than BO at 10% even after paying unions and govt workers $800,000,000,000 under the so called stimulous. That means the average worker pays 50% of his money in taxes. That is TOO MUCH.

    I am all for helping my fellow man. I doubt you could find many people who gleefully watches his fellowman starve. However, I have a pecking order and while it may be selfish it is my family first. For some reason liberals seem to think there is an endless upply of money just sitting around. There is not and you just cant keep spending money for every program even if it is a good cause without cutting it elsewhere.
    I find it interesting that you were not complaining about taxes when Bush was in office...And at this time taxes are exactly the same now as they were then, Obama is not raising taxes, The uneven Bush tax cuts are now expiring for those who make 250 grand a year or more...I think it's not that you mind paying taxes, You just don't like paying them to a black guy with a funny name.

    Quote Originally Posted by Marlin View Post
    You are exactly right, but it is NOT THE GOVERNMENT'S JOB to provide for others. That is what churches, charities, neighbors and family are for. Taking from me what I worked my *** off for and giving to someone who did not is not helping anyone.
    The economic crisis spawned from the housing crash. PERIOD. In the Navy, your job is defined by your rate. We have a saying, "choose your rate, choose your fate". If you chose to work in a non-secure field and subsequently lose your job, get over it and move on. There are lots of jobs out there, I am sure I can take a white collar worker and they can do manual labor just fine, they just aren't willing to "stoop" to that level. So do not give me that whiny "life isn't fair" BS. The jobs are out there, you might have to move, Alaska has a bunch of jobs. Believe it or not, living in Southern California is not a right. Having a nice car is not a right. Having a boat and your own house is not a right. Health care is not a right. Having a gun is a right, having the freedom of speech is a right.
    I don't think it's the governments job to start pre-emptive wars .It's cool you work for the Navy, The Navy is funded by taxpayers, So basically you work for me. I know the military basically will take anyone who can hold a gun and count to three. In other words, It's not like a company that wants to see experience or education, They just bottom feed for people that have no other options but to shoot or be shot.

    I am all for my tax dollars funding wars to shoot the poor underprivileged overseas as long as some of my tax dollars are used to feed the poor and underprivileged that live in every town in the US. Some of them, ex-military, some of them republicans, and some of them bums milking the system.
    I lived through the Bush years and watched him take this country to a new low, and watched McCain promise he'd do things the same...That's why he lost.
    Obama would not have to be putting out so much seed money if Bush spent more time thinking about the country and less time taking vacations ( more than any other sitting Prez)

  9. #54
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    By the way Ill take my burger with avocado and sprouts..

    California style Beeeotch!

  10. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by HOT_WASABI_JUNKIE View Post
    By the way Ill take my burger with avocado and sprouts..

    California style Beeeotch!
    And liberal amounts of wasabi?...

  11. #56
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    I have been complaining

    Quote Originally Posted by HOT_WASABI_JUNKIE View Post
    I find it interesting that you were not complaining about taxes when Bush was in office...And at this time taxes are exactly the same now as they were then, Obama is not raising taxes, The uneven Bush tax cuts are now expiring for those who make 250 grand a year or more...I think it's not that you mind paying taxes, You just don't like paying them to a black guy with a funny name.

    about paying taxes since I started realizing how they are being wasted. I am all for paying my share but BO's $800,000,000,000 bribe to unions and state governments has every tax payer paying more than their share. On top of falsely claiming I supported taxes before BO I find it very interesting you rant about the cost of the war when in the last bill past to cover the war in Afghanistan more than 50% of the bill was pork put there and approved by the government that had NOTHING to do with the cost of the war.

    On top of that how do you claim that people who pay a higher portion of their salaries and most of the total paid in taxes should not be the recipients of tax cuts as opposed to people who get more money from the government than they pay plus a bunch more in welfare programs and other socialist programs. You have many people paying zero taxes yet as a result of the nanny state still get what is called a tax refund. But how the hell can you refund money that was never paid? I feel for the people who have recently gotten hit by the economy resulting from the Democrats forcing banks to give mortgages to people who could not afford payments but you have people who have been unemployed going back 3 generations. That means they dont work, their parents didnt work. are you telling me in all that time none of them could find a job? They apparently got enough government welfare to raise another generation of unwilling to work kids. Apparently there were enough jobs for 12 million illegals risked death to come here to work. Those same illegals BO and the liberals want to make US citizens for breaking laws, stealing identities, and not paying taxes. Hell you mean even under Billy Boy Clinton the economy was so bad they couldnt find jobs? Then you must think Clinton a bad president? Why is it 2 years after BO became president he can still blame Bush but everything that happened the day Bush was elected is all his fault?

  12. #57
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    I just knew this thread would turn this way. HWJ can't have it any other way. Cries way too much and has for years.

  13. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Barker View Post
    Can I get a burger with gub'ment cheese?

    Only if you voted democrat.

    HWJ, as far as me working for you, you are right. I almost have a bachelors degree in nuclear engineering (well, 2 more classes, some stupid psychology class, and statistics) I make 75K a year, my civilian counterpart works 40 hours a week, and makes well over 6 figures starting,and that is in Idaho where the cost of living is nil.
    If it weren't for us bullet sponges, whiny freeloaders wouldn't be able to whine and steal anymore
    As far as taking anyone, every branch has close to a 1 year wait to come in, not just taking anyone...just those that are willing to work hard.

    I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
    Thomas Jefferson

  14. #59
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    I'm 5' 10" 165 lbs
    I've been told I am attractive and have a rapist wit.
    I have a college degree and who cares.
    I work pretty hard in the office when I am not chatting with you cats.
    Like you, I'm working so illegal immigrants can have free health coverage while government officials continue to dupe me while asking for more money.
    I otherwise like to veg on the couch with my own medication
    ...or abuse myself in the garage while sober.
    I also like poetry and long walks on the beach.
    OH! ...and pina coladas in the rain.

    "If it weren't for us bullet sponges, whiny freeloaders wouldn't be able to whine and steal anymore" I don't see how this could possibly be true...
    Sent from my "two hands on a keyboard"

  15. #60
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    Capitalism is built upon the cheap labor so many people here disdain... what would happen without the day-laborers picking your fruits, building your houses, or doing any number of jobs you never would. The point is that everyone complains about immigrants, but this is why the political machines for the Irish, the bund for the Germans, and most recently the gangs exist and are part of society, it is people protecting one another as they make the machine called America work.

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