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Thread: Political humor

  1. #61
    Member Since
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    Thanked: 1 almost as inefficiently as possible. A good portion of the gangs on this side of the country come from the kids of illegal immigrants which have IMHO mutated society, instead of trying to belong to it. But really, there is no winning ever since the natives were labeled Indians. The white man taking from the natives wasn't right then and their neighbors taking from us now is not right either. 'Cheap labor' nor 'day laborer' has to equal 'illegal immigrant'. There are rules and if you know someone who has shown the decency of becoming a citizen without the innappropriate use of a loophole you may see how difficult the disrespectful "illegals" make it for the respectable "legals" to get here. There should never be the question of whom you would rather have come to your house...

    But... maybe I'm just upset you're driving my VX. HMMPT!
    Sent from my "two hands on a keyboard"

  2. #62
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    well storing driven her maybe fifty miles so far...

    But a question though, as this thread spirals into self-destruction, who has the right to say who should be allowed in and who should not? I believe that there is a late thirties boat full of Jewish people that say sometimes the laws here do not quite work right...

  3. #63
    Member Since
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    I think the real is joke is, "if republicans are so economically saavy, why did they get their butts kicked in the last election?"
    I mean a landslide victory for Obama,
    Majorities in the house and senate...
    The reason is simple.
    If you look at history, since say 1776..
    Look at GNP, Stock market,Unemployment stats,growth in the private and public sector,and other economic indicators you will find something very interesting...
    The country fairs better economically when Democrats are in power and worse when Republicans are in power.
    That's not a rectally extracted talking point, that's a fact.
    All you loudmouth conservatives should not take my word for it but crack a book and educate yourselves on a little thing called American history.
    So again I say

    Sit your a§§ down and get comfortable, Your side lost, and deservedly so...

  4. #64
    Member Since
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    HOT_WASABI_JUNKIE speaks the truth with facts.

    Now, a lot of people make up there own facts. That my friend is called a lie. Question - Why did we waste so many people and money in Iraq? Let's see if you will follow the lies or the facts. Question - Did you vote for GW twice? Then you follow the lies. This is not a Republican/Democrate thing. I'm neither, but if you voted TWICE for GW take a step back and ask why. There are a lot of facts out there. Remember, you can't make up your own fact. You can only make up lies.

    There is nothing wrong with questioning your own self. Too many people don't do that. Many people do things because their parents did things a certain way. As a school teacher, some of these parents can't raise the own kids. I hope those students question their own self before they raise their own families. Sadly, that rarely happens. The cycle seems to always continue.
    "Through Great Sacrifice..... Great Rewards Will Be Achieved"

  5. #65
    Member Since
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    dont get me started

    Well let's see if we can get this done in 500 words or less.
    From looking at this as an outsider's perspective that of not having a VX but hoping to be a insider soon with one I would hate to see anyone here feel alienated because I enjoy reading everyone's posts, informative and always fun. Because this is a place that no matter what we come for one common enjoyment. It doesn't matter black one white one, or candy striped one. That being said, if I see something that makes me angry I try not to fixate on it. If you see something this displeases you in a post. You don't have to read every reply until your livid but enough of my pre-face and the let's get down to the meat of things.

    Writing this from Chicago and the great state of Illinois(Blagojevich's workers paradise). I've seen liberal machine politics. So finely honed that it's an art form. In the next day or so it looks a 3rd governor will to go to prison and we will need a damn gubernatorial wing.

    To quote the punk band Suicidal Tendencies. I voted Regan, and I'd do it again and again and again! Yes, there is good and evil in every race and creed, and political slant. I just prefer the lesser of the 2 evils, which I believe is conservative.

    Having been in Moscow and Leningrad in the early 80s and seen how communism works firsthand and if that's your particular slant . Fine... but let's do it the right way, like the good old Commies do yes the little old lady gets to live and eat for free. But what you don't see is the 80-year-old women out at 5 AM sub 0 temperatures sweeping cigarette butts off the sidewalk for the street sweeping trucks to get out of the gutter why the fear of being cut off from mother's milk. And that's what we need over here anyone collecting a government check you should be given a one block keep clean. Maybe then little Joey would say, to little Johnny. Please don't spray paint the walls or throw trash on my block, because then I'll have to get off my lazy duff and scrubbed the walls and pick up your garbage. And if I don't. I don't get my check at the end of the month.. And not to mention that at 18, every one of the proud citizens of this peaceful nation, would serve in its military for 4 years. Sorry, no conscientious objectors the gulags are for those Do you have any idea what an old-school Soviet bloc country would do to you. If your papers weren't in order will let alone being in the country illegally. Don't fool yourself, whatever cesspool country you came from. You would be begging to go back after they got done with you and if you're still not convinced. May I suggests some nice light reading Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged to see how socialism, taxation and a welfare state helps breed laziness and mediocrity I don't see why he should be punished for excellence and hard work.
    on the note of taxation since when did death become taxable event. When was it okay for the US government to come in and pilfer/grave rob up to 50% because of unfortunate circumstances
    I find it odd that a wild animal can kill a human in a national park and will be hunted down and killed immediately as a danger to society. Yet, gang members kill people in the streets every day and get off in court. There has been more people killed in the city of Chicago this year than in Afghanistan and Iraq combined. Yet, we have some of the toughest gun laws in the country
    I find it odd that Hillary needed Obama to forgive 3 million campaign debt. they could not afford to pay that but they can afford to pay $2 million for daughter's wedding I find it odd that our president can pick a strategy for the top 10 basketball teams yet can't pick a clear and concise one on the war. I find it odd, that I've never had the expeditious, concise and overall pleasant experience at the Department of Motor Vehicles Hall of records County Courthouse or assessors office yet these are the people that are supposed to streamline my healthcare. I believe it is just the ultimate way to legislate lifestyle i.e. They will say drunks, drug attics. People with chronic disease are just too expensive for us to finance. But that will just be the start then they'll say, skiers, skateboarders, BMX guys. People who like to drink too much soda. People who eat too much candy. Your lifestyle is too risky and can afford to finance you either but now I am rambling so I'll wind it up by saying. I just think less government interference more personal choice less penalty. More re-ward for excellence and hard work, lower taxes. So there's more money in your pocket and to have some encouragement to be charitable just seems to me like that's the way to go

    PS, I thought the picture the bear was really fun
    and thanks to all those who serve or have served in our military

  6. #66
    Member Since
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marlin View Post
    I saw this and couldn't help but sharing it. We had a good laugh about it at work.
    I guess a picture is worth 1000 words

  7. #67
    Member Since
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    I love wasabi to!!!

  8. #68
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    Now I got all my bases covered

  9. #69
    Member Since
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    well here it goes

    Quote Originally Posted by HOT_WASABI_JUNKIE View Post
    I think the real is joke is, "if republicans are so economically saavy, why did they get their butts kicked in the last election?"
    I mean a landslide victory for Obama,
    Majorities in the house and senate...
    The reason is simple....
    Yes very few who are eligible vote and those who do vote do not have to be here legally nor do they have to have a thought in there empty heads to vote. The only problem with a Republic is stupid people are allowed to vote.

    Quote Originally Posted by HOT_WASABI_JUNKIE View Post
    If you look at history, since say 1776..
    Look at GNP, Stock market,Unemployment stats,growth in the private and public sector,and other economic indicators you will find something very interesting...
    The country fairs better economically when Democrats are in power and worse when Republicans are in power....
    That is just a lie. We are currently worse under Bo than Bush. Sure you liberals blame Bush but it was your god BO who promised if we gave an $800,000,000,000 stimulous unemployment would not go over 8% (it went over and has stayed over) He either lied or did not know what he was talking about. When was the last time **** was this bad? Under the white BO Jimmy Carter. We could only get gas ecery other day at gas stations and they would often rub oyt after waiting 2-3 hours to get gas. Yes youngins in the 70s we had rationing and it was because of a liberal idiot who once was attacked and had to be saved by the secret service from a bunny rabbit. (this was not made up) It was Reagan who saved the economy and Bush senior who continued it. We then got Clinton who immediately started messing it up until we got a Republican house and senate. It is just Republicans are elected to fix an economy and then when things are smooth idiot voters forget and reelect Democrats who set about ruining it again.

    Quote Originally Posted by HOT_WASABI_JUNKIE View Post
    That's not a rectally extracted talking point, that's a fact.
    All you loudmouth conservatives should not take my word for it but crack a book and educate yourselves on a little thing called American history.
    So again I say
    Sit your a§§ down and get comfortable, Your side lost, and deservedly so...
    Frankly I doubt your education comes close to mine. In History, economics, business or common sense. If you had a little education you would know politics goes in cycles and this was the Democrats turn. Frankly BO has sucked so bad as well as Pelosi and Reid that the Republicans will think he was the greatest thing ever to happen to the Republican party. And I only hope when the land slide occurs this November you take your own advice sit down shut up and read a book. And not like your messiah reads teleprompter actually read it understand it and remember it. Every economist in the world says taxes in a bad economy is a bad idea.

  10. #70
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    That was very enlightening..
    You have convinced me of something..
    Guys in the Midwest don't get laid enough...
    I gotta go cash my welfare check from all your tax money and buy drugs with it, because I like to be really high when I laugh about how totally pointless talking to a bunch of dittohead dorks who's panties get in a bunch because more than half the country won't be taken in by your bloated dogmatic rhetoric.... Including me...

  11. #71
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    I always feel most enlightened when those with a far better education than I received, (not hard to trump me in that area) resort to speculative insult & name calling to make their point...

    Fresh cheeseburgers for my horses, & water for my troops!...

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ldub View Post
    I always feel most enlightened when those with a far better education than I received, (not hard to trump me in that area) resort to speculative insult & name calling to make their point...
    College did mean something back in the day you had to be smart

    have you met a college graduate in the last ten years

    now it just means you can afford it and had nothing better to do

  13. #73
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  14. #74
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    Typical liberal

    Quote Originally Posted by HOT_WASABI_JUNKIE View Post
    That was very enlightening..
    You have convinced me of something..
    Guys in the Midwest don't get laid enough...
    I gotta go cash my welfare check from all your tax money and buy drugs with it, because I like to be really high when I laugh about how totally pointless talking to a bunch of dittohead dorks who's panties get in a bunch because more than half the country won't be taken in by your bloated dogmatic rhetoric.... Including me...
    Cant make your point with facts so resort to name calling and insults. I am not sure what educational institution you went to but assume it wasone of those pass everybody or it will hurt their self esteem and that is more important than actually learning anything. However, this may allow you to become rich as a result of a lawsuit for failure to provide you with a quality education that you were entitled to. Of course it wasnt your fault if you did not knuckle down and study instead of taking a social promotion.

    Now if having a liberal govt is so much more economically advantagious please explain the financial health of California (the most liberal of states), New York City, Detroit (and Michigan as a whole), Pittsburgh, Philidelphia, Boston, as well as many other liberal cities that never seem to have enough money despite siphoning it from small towns around them.

  15. #75
    Member Since
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    You've convinced me!

    Palin in 2012!

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