OK so a few months ago I was driving and suddenly the VX shook and started making these weird metal banging noises, luckily I was up the hill from my mechanic so I put it in neutral and drove in to the garage.

A couple of days later I get a call from him and it turns out the crankshaft broke inside the engine, needless to say no luck over the internet, salvage yards, local machine shops etc. Finally I found one on ebay and ordered it last week, took it to the mechanic and this morning I get a call from him saying that maybe they gave me a 3.2L crank instead of the 3.5L needed, sent an email to the seller but no response yet, I thought it might be the crank position sensor so I bought one that will come in tomorrow, hopefully that will solve the problem.

Has anybody out there replaced a crank on a 3.5L before?, the engine is all put back toghether and all the sensors and hoses have been conected back again, but when you try to start the car it will simply not start, you can hear the starter working and the engine turning but it does not start, checked and recheked all connections and all seem to be OK....could it be the crank postion sensor?

If you can please help me out here as I do not have the money for a new engine and selling mine for parts is not an option.
