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Thread: Custome Gauges only 10 orders needed

  1. #1

    Thumbs up Custom Gauges only 10 orders needed

    hey guys,
    Speed hut is asking for too many orders for the custom gauges. I did some research and Found Import Intelligence. I called them and they said they only need 10 orders to start, someone to organize the group by, and a doner of how the gauge looks....the number to call is 610.321.2055 and the site is They have cool designs and needle kits, I was trying to use there needle kit after i got the speed hut mod, but i can't wait that long....the people who ordered the 7 on the speed hut site, including myself, by the time we see 20 orders, cars will be floating by then.... Just informing you guys, and for someone to set some kind of group by.....screw speed hut for toying with us like that, i hope we can get it from these guys.

    P.S. Only down fall about the site is that you can't interact and fool around with the options of different gauge setting like on the speed hut site to see what you want. I just want my gauges. BUt there Specialty Installations section which is the second link allows you to add graphics and details. I am sure one of you older, wiser, more business oriented gentalmen can smooth talk your way to a nice deal, with font options and other accessories for the rest of us. After talking with them at speed hut they seem pretty helpful. Plus i think they'll do the TOD also...

    Last edited by Native_V_ha : 09/04/2003 at 06:49 AM

  2. #2
    Member Since
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    I really like that they will accept 400dpi artwork and just drop it on the gauges. No price for that quoted on the website, but it shouldn't cost that much as long as they don't have to fix it up.

  3. #3
    Member Since
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    '01, Dragon Mica Green NO MORE, 1393 SOLD
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    I think the Speedhut gauge look a little higher quality. The hash marks are nice and sharp, same goes for the lettering and numbers. Import Intelligence on the other hand don't look quite as sharp. The font is kind of ugly and messy on the edges. You can see it on the hashmarks as well.

  4. #4

    Looking at it that way....

    Well when comparing both products with an electron microscope ;eekg; yeah speed hut may have a little better quality, but the fact is that speed hut WILL NOT, I repeat WILL NOT, have 25 orders at the rate its currently going by 2005. I means whos willing to wait that long, thats like having a new suit, nice shoes, nice tie, with no belt....its just doesn't look right. My interior mods are small compared to alot of the people i see on here...that have everything but updated gagues... The VX looks like its a 2005 car to most, until they see the shifters and the guages...

    I rather have a custom panel that’s a B- rate then NO gauge panel at all and left with everything else in my car looking up to date and nice EXCEPT for my gauges... I mean the question is take the chance of not having it at all or having it definitely... But then again, maybe we can convince speed hut to lower the order, but then again speed hut doesn't seem to offer as many fonts as I.I. does.... so they both have there pros and cons...PLUS the needle kit if anyone other then myself is willing to by will already be made for your order... I'm starting to see the tides shifting a bit, in I.I. favor but thats just MHO.... lol

  5. #5
    Member Since
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    '01, Dragon Mica Green NO MORE, 1393 SOLD
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    Well, if you put it that way... I guess I'll have to be blunt, in kind.

    Personally, If I am going to pay for something, I want it to be A grade or I will not buy it at all. My VX doesn't carry a "H" badge and I don't intend to make it look like a ghetto modded Honda, ever. Import Intel's kits simply look like *****... at any cost. For that kind of quality, you might as well paint your own gauges freehand. I don't care if they offer all kinds of funky-*****, tacky, or chinese restaurant take-out menu typefaces. I would want my dash to look clean, uncluttered, professional, and functional... something one would expect to see when he/she sits inside a fine example of automotive engineering, not a junkyard u-pull-it econo type-R wannabe beater. The VX carried a MSRP of $30k. Why treat it like a sub $10k basic transportation that aspires to be something it can't be? or has the fury of a 3 cylinder storm?

    Electronmicroscope? C'mon. Let's not turn this into an overexaggerated, overdramatized daytime soap. You can see the sloppiness in quality with the naked eye!

    All is not lost, yet. As I mentioned in the other thread, now that we know Import Intel. is willing to do it for 10 orders (thanks to you) we can use that as ammunition to renegotiate with Speedhut. If they say "NO", then fine... good luck with your Import Intel. group buy. I can live with the stock dash, not having a better looking dash won't get my shorts in a twist.
    Last edited by paultvx : 09/04/2003 at 03:47 PM

  6. #6
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    I agree with Paul. If I am looking to purchase a nice item, I usually scour the net until I can find the cheapest price. If I can't and the next option is to downgrade, screw it. Why would I want to? Why put something on an auto that you don't really want, just to get it on there? Yeah, the dash is from a friggin old Rodeo... nice gauges might make it look better... bad quality ones definitely won't. Same with any mod you make. Same with anything in life.

  7. #7
    The thing about it is the gauges don't look that bad. I mean standing back from the drivers side or even the passengers side you wouldn't even notice the difference in quality from what i am seeing. Hopefully speed hut will not call our bluff and back down to 10 orders. But if not i guess where SOL. I mean i guess my eyes need to be checked but the gauges didn't look as horrible as you say they look. I mean if you want to get tech there are alot of mods on here that aren't up to par but do alot for the over all look of what they're trying to accomplish. In the long run its worth it, some people even like what they have to offer over there previous gauges. I mean who really gets that close to the gauges anyway, thats like someone looking directly at your modified shifters and saying, "Hey you wrapped it with black tape" if someone is going to be stairing that hard at it then they are lookin for something wrong... like i said its not as detailed as speed hut but its not bad either....its like optimizing graphics for a website, you change the dpi on the picture just alittle bit to make the site run faster, its not as good quality as the original image but it gets the job done for the overall site and the user is not going to notice that particular graphic when there other images around..No ones going to be that up close to see the details and imperfections you mention, from 3 feet away unless you have superman vision you wouldn't even notice, remember the pictures they they are showing are probably 10 inches away, no way you going to notice the details your expressing from the average driving distance, you must be Jake 2.0 if so, ...unless your doing car shows, then i agree with you, but other then that, this mod is good enough for the average VX owner... To say its just pure garbage is just wrong.

  8. #8
    Member Since
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    '01, Dragon Mica Green NO MORE, 1393 SOLD
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    Don't you get it? It's not a matter of what is just about good enough to get the job done. It's about spending your hard earned money on junk. If I wanted something that just about does the job, I'd save the money and paint the gauges myself. I don't want the kit for show, I don't want the kit just so I can say I have it (and you don't). I want it for my own satisfaction. Don't you want the best for the buck? or is second place good enough?

    I noticed the difference in quality at first glance and I was comparing it to the Speedhut gauges from memory! Few hours later I brought up both sites and looked at the pictures side by side to confirm my initial impression. It's not like I sat here in front of the computer with a damn magnifying glass checking each pixel. You'd have to blind or not care about your money to not notice the glaring difference in print quality.

    Since it is something that would be in my car and a purchase decision I will have to live with in the long run, I give a damn about how good the kit is. I will not spend a penny on any piece of garbage mod. None. Zilch. I will not spend a penny just so my VX can look like the approximation of what I want to achieve. I will not be satisfied until I get the real deal. If I was into Type-R Integras, I'd get a real friggin' Type-R. I'm not the type who would slap a Type-R sticker on the lowest model Integra and call it good. As much as people praise and claim to love their VXs, I am often shock by the kind of things they do their "pride and joy." I don't understand how people can settle for anything other than the best for their "pride and joy".

    Like I said, I can live with the stock gauges... so if nothing works out with Speedhut, it's no big deal to me. If it bothered me that much, I would not have bought my VX. Besides, the factory dash works and functions as it should. What else do you want? a song and a dance? Wrong car. Either way, we're SOL. If they say no... and the requirement stands at 25, like you said, we're SOL. If we don't ask, this thing will never happen, and we're SOL. Nothing to lose in asking.

    From the way it looks, aren't the needle kits seperate anyway? If you want that feature so badly, you could always add it to the Speedhut kit or to whatever kit you buy.
    Last edited by paultvx : 09/04/2003 at 10:56 PM

  9. #9
    Member Since
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    Originally posted by Native_V_ha
    The thing about it is the gauges don't look that bad. I mean standing back from the drivers side or even the passengers side you wouldn't even notice the difference in quality from what i am seeing. Hopefully speed hut will not call our bluff and back down to 10 orders. But if not i guess where SOL. I mean i guess my eyes need to be checked but the gauges didn't look as horrible as you say they look. I mean if you want to get tech there are alot of mods on here that aren't up to par but do alot for the over all look of what they're trying to accomplish. In the long run its worth it, some people even like what they have to offer over there previous gauges. I mean who really gets that close to the gauges anyway, thats like someone looking directly at your modified shifters and saying, "Hey you wrapped it with black tape" if someone is going to be stairing that hard at it then they are lookin for something wrong... like i said its not as detailed as speed hut but its not bad either....its like optimizing graphics for a website, you change the dpi on the picture just alittle bit to make the site run faster, its not as good quality as the original image but it gets the job done for the overall site and the user is not going to notice that particular graphic when there other images around..No ones going to be that up close to see the details and imperfections you mention, from 3 feet away unless you have superman vision you wouldn't even notice, remember the pictures they they are showing are probably 10 inches away, no way you going to notice the details your expressing from the average driving distance, you must be Jake 2.0 if so, ...unless your doing car shows, then i agree with you, but other then that, this mod is good enough for the average VX owner... To say its just pure garbage is just wrong.
    To me, this entire quote is just sad. Average VX owner? 10 inches away? I'm sorry... if you guys out there don't care enough about your VX to put something on it that gives you total satisfaction, I don't know what else to say... it's just wrong. Most of you talk about having this "awesome auto" that beats cars and SUVs alike. You are so proud of your VX that anyone that MENTIONS something else is either copying the VX, or can beat it on the road but not off-road, or whatever... yet, mods like this, and you just don't care if it looks as nice and clean as at LEAST the OEM version??? C'mon!!! People! We have a totally unique, VERY limited automobile!!! You don't want to settle for stuff that looks somewhat decent up to 10 inches away, do you??? Some of you post how much time you spend waxing your VX (like 6 coats!!!), and making the cladding sparkle. THAT is PRIDE! Is pride modding you pride and joy to where someone dosent notice your cheapy mod until they get climb inside, or get close?

    If this is something you want, and you seriously think it looks good, then by all means go for it. But seriously, if you are telling yourself that you have to have something, and you KNOW it isn't that great, and you KNOW it doesn't look good at a certain distance, but you think you have to have it, then there IS A PROBLEM!!!!!!!!

  10. #10
    Well we do have people who are nit pickers on here so you can't even get mad at those type of comments. They can bash the mod all they want, you don't want it then don't by it, wait forever and a day for speed hut...allot of people will be satisfaction with this mod...if you don't want it then don't by it, but don't try to bash it for other because of your "its not perfect, its not perfect", if I had your attitude towards things I could probably find something wrong with anything and never be satisfied. This mod is satisfactory to most, not all but MOST people I've shown it too... You find me what you think a perfect mod is of ANYTHING, I'll look up close, and I will BASH it and find something wrong with it. Can't have that it has to be perfect attitude with everything you'll never get anything done, wither its personal or business. Like I said before it’s a B rating. Unless your doing shows where people like yourself will be all up close to the detail, and i mean really up close, then I wouldn't get it but for the average VX owner its good. MEANING the majority of people who see it. We get this mod done, I’ll put picture on here and I bet you'll be calling in for one, I’ll guarantee it. Unless you allow your “Pride” to get in the that my friend is sad. But you can be picky you have the right...if its A+ or bust in your eyes so be it....

  11. #11
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    Errrr, I'm not too sure what else to say, so I will just say this... you just restated every reason as to why not to get them. I'll just leave it up to our fellow VX'ers as to how they want to represent their vehicles.

  12. #12
    Member Since
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    Man... that was hard to read.

    If I had your attitude, I'd turn the VX into a garbage truck and not wash it ever. I'd put low rider 14" Dayton wheels on it too because hey it's good enough and I don't want to spend the time to find something better. I'd fill up the motor with cheap motor oil too. Hey, it works and who's going to notice? It's good enough to keep the motor running.

    Nit picker? What's up with the name calling? Adam and myself don't have the right to be particular on how we treat our valued VXs?

    Like you said yourself... if you like it, buy it. If you don't, then don't buy it. So, go buy it. What's stopping you?
    Last edited by paultvx : 09/05/2003 at 12:20 PM

  13. #13
    Member Since
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    I'll keep my comments short and sweet... first glance... these other Import Intelligence gauges look not just kinda crappy... but very crappy... I'll hold out for the Speed Hut set... if it doesn't happen... oh well... btw, I will join the list of those who have put their money where their mouth is this coming weekend... gotta make sure I got money even if it isn't gonna close anytime soon.

    Coach... aka Randy! (I often forget who I really am!)

    My 2000 Ironman VX!... Nitto Terra Grapplers 285/60/18's on stock 18" rims, Power Vault Muffler, Tone Monday's custom tow package, OME 912 Springs, custom audio/video/multimedia computer system in the works! Transformation to LS1 V-8 Power as we speak!
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  14. #14
    Member Since
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    Well we wouldn't have to have this discussion if people would place their order at already! We have over 30000 posts on the other forum and who knows how many here.... 25 orders for a replacement for the weakest part of the whole design shouldn't be that hard to round up!!! I think they look cool!

    Canadian VXer!

  15. #15
    Member Since
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    I certainly hope this does work out for those who want the overlay. I only bailed once I realized it was in fact an overlay and not an actual replacement guage face. I had the opportunity to see a SpeedHut overlay installed and really didn't like the guage screws bulging underneath and how it looked like something cut from the back of a cereal box. Hopefully someone will come up with an actual guage upgrade.
    Over 20 years of Isuzu enjoyment...

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