Quote Originally Posted by vt_maverick View Post
There's not really a reason to believe the other driver was going that fast since the VX driver was standing outside his vehicle. Even a 5 MPH impact from a 3500 lbs. car is enough to kill someone if (God forbid) he was trapped between the two cars.

Last year was the first time I had traveled to Wisconsin in the dead of winter, and I was stunned at how many people drove front wheel drive cars, even when there was significant snow falling or already on the ground. What I learned after two weeks was that you don't really need 4WD or AWD to get around, provided you're careful and conservative in your driving. They actually scoff at people who think 4WD is a prerequisite to drive in winter weather; the way it was expressed to me was that the only really dangerous conditions are white outs or icy roads, and if that's going on you shouldn't be driving ANYTHING. If anything 4WD gives people the false confidence that they can drive in any conditions.

I can agree with the fact that much people are over confident when it comes to 4wd or awd,but you can't deny the fact that under that sort of weather conditions awd and 4wd vehicules are much safer to drive.

I also agree that many drivers are concious enough to drive with care front or rear wheel drive vehicules.

If the police reports says that the VX'er sustained mayor injuries i doubt the mazda driver could be going under 20mph,especially for the same fact that the driver must felt confident driving a mazda 6 awd.

Anyways,hope this guy can make it back to his house and be with his family.

What a sad way to spend the holidays