Somewhat true, but newer designs fixed that failing. You rarely see problems with the modern Glocks and Witnesses vs. the old delta 10's and older glocks. The problem I heard about the most was the slide cracking due to hot 10mm loads. Manufacturers beefed up/redesigned the slides= problem solved. By then though, the 10's weren't mainstream and fell into handgun limbo. They are like a diamond in the rough though. If you like .40, you'll love 10! Finding affordable ammo outside of reloading can be a little tough though. It's fairly comparable with any magnum handgun ammo though. I look at it from the perspective of being able to reload it for what 9mm costs new. That way I load it up any way I want(hot, medium or mild) and with whatever bullet I want(slugs, hollowpoints, frangible, birdshot, heavy, light etc) and can even set it up subsonic if need be. I'm all about the mods