Today at work we were talking about electric cars. A great point was brought up. The mean gasoline tax for the nation is almost 50 cents a gallon. Say a family of 4 uses 100 gallons of gas a month. Thats 50 bucks in taxes. As cars become more efficient, less fuel use, therefore less revenue. If the idea of the fuel tax revenue was for road maintenance, we have a problem. We are talking huge sums of tax revenue lost. A fuel efficient car provides the same wear and tear on the roads as a gas guzzling big block V8. So where does the money come from? I would love to save money on fuel costs, only to pay for it on my electricity bill, or increased income tax and so on. So where does that leave us? Paying huge sums of money to new energy tycoons...big oil, big nuke, uncle sam, whatever, makes no difference to me where my money goes.
Just some food for thought.