Update: I've had the xenons in for almost a week now with no problems. Autolumination received and tested the LEDs I returned yesterday, and they still believe something happened to them (likely a voltage surge) after installation.

I'm a big believer in the value of integrity in business, so I filled him in on what I'd found out over the last week and offered to pay for the replacement LEDs. He thanked me but said he wanted to stick to our original deal, which I think shows an amazing amount of character. So last night I asked for his advice on what to buy for all my bulbs (markers, blinkers, brake lights, maps lights) and should hear back today with a list of part numbers (I'll post the list here for reference). The guy even offered to ship the new bulbs in the same box as the replacement LEDs to save me on shipping.

Hopefully I'll get everything installed next weekend and post pics. I'm very impressed with Autolumination's customer service, and although you can buy similar sets for a few bucks less on eBay, I'd say it's worth a little extra to work with these guys.