I just got my second, third, fourth, and fifth ticket at the same time in my vehicross lol. The cop put 1979 isuzu on one ticket and 2011 on the other 3 lol. I was playing around off road pulling through a muddy field. Doing what a normal 16 year old would do in an awesome truck like ours. Showing off... Crawling through mud that i saw a truck get stuck in.... cops show up said on the tickets i was doing donuts in a parking lot... (I dont think my vx can do that) said I was hitting jumps...(No jumps where i was) said i was doing donuts in the field also ( i never went anything over sideways....).. I had the cop drag me out of my vx and throw me against it and tell me im a lucky son of a bit*h, and also that if i would have ran he would have slammed his ram into the rear end of "this pretty little jeep" and put me into a pole, my smart *** says "its not a jeep its a isuzu" got harrased for that again "I dont give a sh*t what kind of thing this is, if you were my God Da*n son you would not have this piece of sh*t f*cking truck" I told him " Lucky I'm not your son huh...." he called my dad off my phone and my dad laughed at the cop and hung up...