I love my PS3 and I love my VX so why not combine them!??!
I have this idea to take a PS3 and put it into my VX along with mounting a small TV (around 19") on the back for the driver and passenger seat somehow and then putting an optima yellowtop deep cycle battery in the trunk which has a 75Ah capacity. Which is capable of running the PS3 and a small TV for around 4 hours on one charge which is long enough for me.
Now for charging the battery in the trunk. At first I was thinking I should figure out how to connect it to the alternator but then I came up with two easier and probably cheaper alternatives. First I could buy a solar panel meant for charging RV and boat deep cycle batteries such as this for around 130$ and attach that to the roof and run a cable to a regulator and then into the battery. Second option is just charging the battery at night by using a power cord from the house along with a regulator to make sure it does not overcharge the battery.
Also in the future I might add me a 4G wireless router so I could play online wherever I want!
Input, suggestions, and comments appreciated!