My VX still amazes me!
We got hit with a blizzard Tuesday, Feb.1st. My VehiCROSS got me home from work that night even though it had to get through a three foot snow drift just to make it out of my parking spot (no, I wasn't parked halfway up a wall of snow to begin with). However, my "check trans" light started flashing about 2/3 of the way home. I moved the VX back & forth in front of the house a bit on Wed. afternoon to see if there was any trouble. The trouble light was not on anymore and it shifted fine, so I shut it down & went inside. I used the VX to get a neighbor's car un-stuck, and it ran great (amazed a few people too).
I stopped at a red light on the way to work that Thursday, and when the light turned green... nothing. Like it was in neutral.
The owner manual said it may need to be shifted manually, so I threw it in first... nothing. Tried 4LOW... nothing. Winter Mode... success! Drove to work and back home, and then drove it to the dealer on Friday... fully expecting it to refuse to move forward at any moment. Dead stop to highway speeds using Winter Mode. Awesome!
Does the story get even better? With a little more than 5 months and a little less than 7000 miles left... it is still under warranty, so the new transmission was free!