Man, some people sure do get testy with a little friendly critiquing! After looking closely at all pictures offered, I would be a little concerned too about not only the percentage of the radiator that your fans cover but also the angle of your shroud face in regards to directing air to the fans. The picture of the Griffin radiator shows fans that cover 75% of the rad surface with a stand-off shroud. The pics of your rad shows fans that look to cover considerably less area and appear to be flat mounted to the rad core. Now, I realize that you have rectified that assumption earlier, but the images do tell a different story. If you are new to the whole custom build thing, it is hard to get used to people second-guessing your every decision, but get used to it; even the pros get second guessed by their peers...Don't take it personally. I wish you the very best of luck with your build and hope you can sort out all the details to your satisfaction and don't stop posting!! (Even if you do take some heat for your decisions.)