Ok final coat was layed on today.

This time I used a sprayer. I just happened to have one of the PrevalŪ aerosol spray cans that Showroom New recommends and sells. Didn't buy it from them, just knew I had one here in the batcave somewhere.

Diluted the dye per their instructions with 2 parts mineral spirits to one part dye. I had doubts that that little spray can had enough propellant, but it really worked fairly well.

My intent this time was to even out some minor blotchiness and hope the spray could penetrate some of the crevices that no other applicator could such as the wells around lights, between cladding panels, and deep into the cladding screw wells.

Let me tell you right off the bat that I suck at spray painting. I always cause drips and runs and my fix for either is to spray more which always drips and runs worse.

I knew overspray was going to be an issue, but was confident that with spray can in one hand, a rag damp with mineral spirits in the other, and a dry rag at my belt to mop up any errant problems all should be ok. My plan worked well. Got the dye really into the problem areas without too much drip and was able to quickly remove any overspray on the body and lenses.

I hit the problem hard to get areas, then did a general light coat to even out. I did get some drips of course, but really, it all works out ok. Once you dilute the stuff, its really mostly solvent at that point. There are only miniscule amounts of solids in the dye. The rest is solvent which is going to evaporate away eventually. So when you get drips and runs, just let them dry fully, you wont see 99% of it a few hours later. If you do, a clean applicator dampened with mineral spirits and VERY light pressure will even it out. I think the same process will work if you have streaks after hand application as well.

All told over the weekend project I ended up using 1.5 bottles of dye, about 10 ounces of mineral spirits, three terry/micofiber coated applicators, four terrycloth rags, a few blue shop papertowels and one Preval sprayer can which is prolly 1/4 full still. Oh, and about 6 rubber gloves.