Quote Originally Posted by JAMAS View Post
I am about to place an order for some cladding juice.....

A few questions before I click "buy"...

1. will 2 bottles get the job done?
2. Should I apply the first coat with terry cloth or foam brush?
3. How long should I let the first coat dry, before I apply a second coat with preval sprayer?
Quote Originally Posted by Child's Play View Post
Here's my 2 cents to your questions:

1. Two bottles got the job done for me with a little left over and my cladding was in BAD shape. You actually need to "cut" the dye when using the sprayer with Mineral Spirits, so the 2nd coat goes a lot further than the 1st that is applied by the terry cloth.
I used 1.5 bottles on my 1st coat, but some (like Grif) have reported using far less, so I must have put it on extra thick or something. ** And remember, DO NOT try to stretch the product...it just ends up too thin, drying too quickly and you can't easily smooth out the streaks.** ALSO..... I'd buy 3 bottles....I ended up re-ordering 3 times () cuz I used it up doing 4 coats.....now you won't be doing 4 coats I presume, but I'd definitely have an extra bottle on hand. In fact, cuz I'm such a genius and mixed the 2 colors, I have to have 2 extra bottles on hand...

2. I used those round terry cloth wax pads that you can find at Wal_mart or any automotive store. I applied liberally for my 1st coat covering small areas at a time before re-applying the dye to the pad. If you're going to do 1st coat by hand and 2nd coat with sprayer, I think either the sponge brush or the terry covered sponge would be fine for 1st coat. I actually preferred the terry covered sponge, Seems like it held lots of product and I could control a bit how I expelled it.
**but be ware of allowing your fingers to imprint on the terry sponge or sponge brush, as it'll make streaks that way....apply it with an even pressure. If you're getting streaks, try doing it with fingers perpendicular to ground.

3. I let mine dry overnight, but I'm sure you can do it sooner.... There is timing in the included instructions with the dye.
It says something like 2 hrs to dry but I DEFINITELY saw a change after 6+ hrs....it just got better and better with time.....so I'd wait at least that long, but agree with CP...overnight would be best.

Hope this helps...

Definitely do small sections at a time. And try to do the entire door panels in one full stroke, from edge to edge, it will look better that way...but this may be irrelevant since you're going to be spraying a 2nd coat.

Good luck...take lots of pics!!