I have had a silver 2001 for 6 years. I bought it on Ebay with 53,000 miles. Now it has 164,000 miles, thousands on dirt roads in the Mojave Desert and surrounding regions. The cladding slowly turned grey and I resisted Armor-All type short term fixes because of the long term damage. But because of the great discussion here, I decided to try Showroom New.

The first coat was black, about 1/3 thinned with mineral spirits. I put it on with a small cotton rag. It was pretty streaky - I thought it would average out more, like spray paint does, but it dried streaky. It looked incredibly much better though, just needed more than 1 coat.

For the second coat, I used black unthinned, applied with a 2" foam brush. This worked very well and make for great coverage with the streaking pretty much gone. It will probably be gone by tomorrow afternoon, at the rate it was curing.

It looks, so far, like a good solution. It's certainly not an oil-based product, which is good. I've noticed that with just the first coat It was turning heads again. I would post before and after pics but I can't figure that out, so take my wordfor it. It looks great. Thanks for contributing so much info about this everyone.