Bout a little thing called karma...

In a unto others, then go further...

I've always tried to do my best with regard towards my fellow man, & never with any expectation of compensation or credit of any kind in return. It just feels damn good to help out your fellow man along the path.

Yesterday I received a gift that made the arrector pili in my arms stand up & take notice...

I've been fortunate enough to make the acquaintance of more than a few VX'rs around here. In Moab & points beyond, I've experienced fellowship & good will, & enjoyed the company of some mighty fine people who later became some of my best friends...

I would dearly LOVE to be able to list all the names & random acts of kindness that I have received from all the cherished friends I've been fortunate enough to spend time with...none of which would have ever happened without Scott (Boss Man) & his vision of what VXinfo could eventually become...

But if I started naming names & kindnesses, I'd invariably leave someone out...that's just life, & I don't believe for a moment that any of those that shall remain nameless, did it for any type of ALL know who you are, here's to you......

Back to the reason for this post...

I put "dibs" on Rons timing belt, then, a few days later, just couldn't take the $k1te at work any more & cut loose from the "butter line"...
Sort of a "you can't fire me, I quit" kind of a thing...

Anyway, I pm'd Ron (explaining my recent departure from the realm of the gainfully employed) & put up a post rescinding my dibs.

If I'm not mistaken (always been "time challenged"), Ron pm'd me within the hour, saying that he would like me to have the timing belt...for FREE...
I'm not only posting this as a public thank you to Ron, I'm also posting this to encourage all y'all who haven't already discovered the karmic reality of the universe to ponder & realize one thing.

The more you put out there, (give to others) the more that will be returned to you. (x a factor of about ten)

If you've never considered it, try it, but be patient, it never happens overnight, (instant karma) and it's rarely returned from those to whom it was given.

Oh's the REALLY cool part...Ron & I have never met nor had a phone conversation, IIRC, I've rarely replied to his posts...he's just that kind of guy...Sincere Thanks Ron!..

To all the karmnoobs...WELCOME TO THE NEXT LEVEL....