So for the last month I had this bumpy grinding widow action going on.
I figured it was a dirty rail and guides I needed to clean and lube. Left it for when the weather got warmer. oops.
Turns out it was the window regulator cable that started fraying and by the time I got to it the other day, I had a birds nest and a non-functional window.
To fix it, I needed the entire window regulator kit (no motor). It's also not something you get from NAPA here, so I ordered one from Merlin ($100).
It's a week delivery because it comes from Isuzu, not stocked locally. And he said there seems to be a good inventory of them.
Lesson learned: window feels bumpy and grinding, check the condition of the cable. Easy to see when the door panel is off. If it's fraying - it's on its way and order a replacement before it fails or your taping your window up like me for a week.
I'll edit the post in a week or so with pics of the replacement. Looks fairly straightforward. Only #issoff is I wish I was fully prepared to modify the lifter to fix the window jam problem. Just not up to speed on the options at this time with what's easily available.