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Thread: OSB...DEAD as fried chick'n...body in US hands...SWEET!

  1. #31
    Member Since
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    2001,proton yellow,0631
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    22 people were killed or captured. One of the dead was Osama bin Laden, done in by a double tap -- boom, boom -- to the left side of his face.

    thats an execution...up close and personal

  2. #32
    Member Since
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    Quote Originally Posted by circmand View Post
    they treated this POS with respect and muslim funeral. Should have abused the corpse like they do and buried it pigs blood. See how that makes the other terrorists act if they are worried about their immortal souls.
    Not sure if I believe that story...some things are better left unknown...and let the conspiracy theory starts...

  3. #33
    Member Since
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    Way to go Brothers Osama bin hidin got his head blowed off by the best rifle rule called double tap........ ummmmm gota love that double tap cola

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by circmand View Post
    they treated this POS with respect and muslim funeral. Should have abused the corpse like they do and buried it pigs blood. See how that makes the other terrorists act if they are worried about their immortal souls.
    x2. A "Wood Chipper" machine aimed overboard from the USS Carl Vinson in shark infested waters would have been a more appropriate burial at sea.

    Big thanx to the US Navy SEALS-6 on a job well done with the help of night vision goggles. The only thing that should have been added to the mission; was once the SEALS were clear of the compound and returning back to base, that a surgical airstrike by either F-117 Stealth Fighters and/or Tomahawk Cruise Missiles should have leveled the remaining mansion building to pure gravel rock!!!

  5. #35
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    So we should of desecrated his remains, and bring ourselves down to his inhumane level...??

    Not a great way to go IMHO....
    ....and not what a civilized nation would, or DID do.

    Absolutely the best $20 you'll spend per year on your VX.

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  6. #36
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    I am betting the SEAL operative that took the shot never buys a beer ever again.

    And I agree with you Jo. Even though he was the lowest life form on earth, lowering ourselves to his standards would make us no better.
    Billy Oliver
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  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoFotoz View Post
    So we should of desecrated his remains, and bring ourselves down to his inhumane level...??

    Not a great way to go IMHO....
    ....and not what a civilized nation would, or DID do.

    LOL, not sure when we became civilized, although I suppose invading foreign nations under the pretense of helping (but really in order to establish a central bank and dependable oil) is a very civilized thing to do.

    Conspiracy theory away, Obama had nothing to do with it, with his expert military experience hunting lions in Kenya and gang banging in detroit...what an *** for taking credit for something the military and CIA did.

    I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
    Thomas Jefferson

  8. #38
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    oh lawd here comes a political debate!

    How about we just celebrate this turd getting flushed instead of pissing on the moment with silly dribble about who claimed credit.

  9. #39
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    Oh yeah, on another forum I've found a link to a pic of his face with the "through the left eye" aftermath if any one is interested!

  10. #40
    Member Since
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    they wasted no time putting his stink in the drink

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Barker View Post
    Oh yeah, on another forum I've found a link to a pic of his face with the "through the left eye" aftermath if any one is interested!
    Most likely; he was shot twice (double-tap) to the left side of his face (left eye & left cheek area), because Osama had his right cheek resting on his own rifle butt stock as he was returning gunfire at the SEALS. The left side of his face was the unprotected portion of his head, plain and simple.

  12. #42
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    Just shoot a PM if you're interested!

  13. #43
    Member Since
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    Bob, I'm interested!
    Sent from my "two hands on a keyboard"

  14. #44
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    the pic with the supposed shot is a fake from 2009. no pics has been released yet...

  15. #45
    Member Since
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoFotoz View Post
    So we should of desecrated his remains, and bring ourselves down to his inhumane level...??

    Not a great way to go IMHO....
    ....and not what a civilized nation would, or DID do.


    Nor should we whoop and holler like a bunch a fanatical redneck yahoos. A human being died a violent death. As an independently thinking person raised with Christian values, I think we should be praying for the day that measures such as this should never be needed again, rather than reveling in it.

    Truly, the spectacle of the ravenous crowd of hate fans @ the White House gates was disturbing to me. Its no less banal than the idiot Islamists we see doing the EXACT same thing and think to ourselves that "those people are so backward".

    Hate begets hate.

    Revenge may be sweet, but killing one figurehead of one terrorist organization does not stop the hate.

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