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Thread: OSB...DEAD as fried chick'n...body in US hands...SWEET!

  1. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by VXD959 View Post
    the pic with the supposed shot is a fake from 2009. no pics has been released yet...
    Oh well, looke like it matches how they described the shot that killed him last night. So if it's a fake then it's a lucky representation of how he actually did die.

  2. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Barker View Post
    oh lawd here comes a political debate!
    ....... ...... ......

    ....... ..... .....

  3. #48
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    ha! I've been waiting for all the funnies of bin laden getting killed to start surfacing! Found a few good ones.

  4. #49
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    Excerpted from Lettermans top 10 list of bin laden's last words:

    1. CRAP!

    2. I need a house full of Navy Seals like I need a hole in the head...

  5. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marlin View Post
    Conspiracy theory away, Obama had nothing to do with it, with his expert military experience hunting lions in Kenya and gang banging in Detroit...what an *** for taking credit for something the military and CIA did.
    ..I guess YOU have experience putting operatives in harms way.
    And making a call that potentially costs HUMAN lives.
    (and if you should know the angst, and not make light of it)

    You make that Call take the blame.
    (And if you have..nuff said, it aint easy.)

    Obama STEPPED UP, , and he made the CALL....REQUIRING PROOF.

    AND..he got it ALL.

    As for your "hunting lions in Kenya", and "Gang banging in Detroit".... should be ashamed you even wrote that...FULL STOP.

    I'm betting ya think young Bush was a military man.....(mission accomplished)....OMG..LOL !!!


    Politics be gone...a great service to the WORLD was undertaken with heroism and potential political suicide.

    It worked.

    No need to gloat, no need to desecrate, no need for outrageous jingoism......
    ......just give thanks none of our guys were hurt.

    ...and be prepared for retaliation.

    To paraphrase Churchill...

    Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.

    Absolutely the best $20 you'll spend per year on your VX.

    ~ ~ > OFF ROAD WHORE <~ ~

  6. #51
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    Holy hell Marlin PLEASE don't respond and we can all just move on!

    Make a new thread or something! Just let this one go in the right direction!

  7. #52
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    No worries Bob...

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Barker View Post
    Holy hell Marlin PLEASE don't respond and we can all just move on!

    Make a new thread or something! Just let this one go in the right direction!
    ..if you wanna play Switzerland, and have no input... so be it.

    But If Marlin wants to respond...he will.


  8. #53
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    You know, looking at the photo of the administration's top brass and executives sitting in the war-room watching it go down real time is pretty astonishing. I mean, that's gotta pretty intense stuff for a civilian to sit there and watch a group of SEALS take down a compound with live deaths on cam. Crazy. I can't imagine that's something they will ever forget.

    Our men and women in uniform did a great service over the last decade and they deserve to feel proud. The President and his team also did THEM a great service by not carpet bombing this joint and letting the speculation persist forever and thereby robbing our servicemen and women of ever having some closure and a feeling of completing the original mission they set out to do.

    You have to also think of the message this sends to others around the world. We didn't just blindly get lucky and bomb the right building, we hunted your *** down, walked in through the front door and put a bullet in you.

    I'm not your typical "patriot" by any stretch, but today I'm having a drink for everyone in uniform and all the intelligence and administration that made this happen. I'll even throw G.W. in there for good measure as there are a lot of people in this military think tank that he brought in. Congratulations to all those who fought, won, lost and sacrificed over the last decade and congratulations to the world at large for being free of one more evil and immoral psychopath.
    macintosh man

  9. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoFotoz View Post
    No worries Bob...

    ..if you wanna play Switzerland, and have no input... so be it.

    But If Marlin wants to respond...he will.

    How is that about having no input? Just because a couple of people can't find the "new thread" button the ones in here have to wade through the deep **** of others arguing opinions that never amount to anything in the oppositions views anyhow! It's not about wether I want to play Switzerland, it's about YOU and Marlin pushing your opinions on each other to make this thread into something uncivil and ruin the great achievement of America.

    I want to be able to see all the funny pics that LDub is gonna find on this without sifting through yours and Marlins overbearing opinions.

  10. #55
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    ???.Marlin and I "Pushing our opinions."...!!

    Excuse the hell out of me for debating...!!


    Wasnt it YOU who said, and I quote...

    "Holy hell Marlin PLEASE don't respond and we can all just move on!

    Make a new thread or something! Just let this one go in the right direction!"


    Seems to me like you made YOUR opinion pretty clear...

    ...indeed to the point of declaring... "the right direction"

    Aint that a tad 'pushy'...overbearing even?

    ..or are you the 'right direction' monitor?


  11. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grif View Post

    Nor should we whoop and holler like a bunch a fanatical redneck yahoos. A human being died a violent death. As an independently thinking person raised with Christian values, I think we should be praying for the day that measures such as this should never be needed again, rather than reveling in it.

    Truly, the spectacle of the ravenous crowd of hate fans @ the White House gates was disturbing to me. Its no less banal than the idiot Islamists we see doing the EXACT same thing and think to ourselves that "those people are so backward".

    Hate begets hate.

    Revenge may be sweet, but killing one figurehead of one terrorist organization does not stop the hate.
    x2...unfortunately, this sort of behavior is inherent in our nature as human beings. Our first thought does not turn to compassion and lamentations, but to the pleasure elicited by fulfilled revenge. Definitely not saying I wanted that guy alive myself...though I just wish all the senseless misery and death could stop altogether. It's just a shame that corruption, greed, envy and hatred will always exist, and thus it will never stop...sorry if I'm starting to sound like a hippie.

  12. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoFotoz View Post
    ???.Marlin and I "Pushing our opinions."...!!

    Excuse the hell out of me for debating...!!


    Wasnt it YOU who said, and I quote...

    "Holy hell Marlin PLEASE don't respond and we can all just move on!

    Make a new thread or something! Just let this one go in the right direction!"


    Seems to me like you made YOUR opinion pretty clear...

    ...indeed to the point of declaring... "the right direction"

    Aint that a tad 'pushy'...overbearing even?

    ..or are you the 'right direction' monitor?

    Whatever. You can try and twist that to include me as one of the ones derailing this thread about a great American moment into a steamy pile of politics. That's the point of my overbearingly asking you two to start a new thread to express your opinions in a hopeless attempt to sway the other to see your views.

  13. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoFotoz View Post
    ???.Marlin and I "Pushing our opinions."...!!

    Excuse the hell out of me for debating...!!


    Wasnt it YOU who said, and I quote...

    "Holy hell Marlin PLEASE don't respond and we can all just move on!

    Make a new thread or something! Just let this one go in the right direction!"


    Seems to me like you made YOUR opinion pretty clear...

    ...indeed to the point of declaring... "the right direction"

    Aint that a tad 'pushy'...overbearing even?

    ..or are you the 'right direction' monitor?


    I gotta make a stand here myself (& yes, you may quote me on this):

    I have no response to that.

    Put a smiley after you say that Bub.

  14. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoFotoz View Post
    ???.Marlin and I "Pushing our opinions."...!!

    Excuse the hell out of me for debating...!!


    Wasnt it YOU who said, and I quote...

    "Holy hell Marlin PLEASE don't respond and we can all just move on!

    Make a new thread or something! Just let this one go in the right direction!"


    Seems to me like you made YOUR opinion pretty clear...

    ...indeed to the point of declaring... "the right direction"

    Aint that a tad 'pushy'...overbearing even?

    ..or are you the 'right direction' monitor?



    Well, lets sum it up. The president ratings are horrible, campaign season is starting, grocery costs are up 30% from what they were 6 months ago, silver has doubled, oil has damn near doubled, foreclosures and government welfare at all time highs. He needed a miracle, low and behold, he made himself a really trivial miracle. Much the same as assassinating our president would have no effect on our nation, neither does taking out bin laden.
    I would guess none of it matters. The American dollar is worth crap right now, that is why silver and gold are setting record highs. It isn't because there is a shortage, there is plenty of it, its not a commodity like oil that we NEED. An ounce of silver is always worth an ounce of silver. That means the dollar is worth less than it ever has before. Our deficit is impossible to pay off....enter smoke and mirrors of supposed justice killing. DO I think he should have died, most certainly, trial and execution, and who better to be the judge than the US. Do I think they killed him a few days ago, not a chance. If so, we are fools, countless billions and a decade of hunting.
    That makes us look like idiots, like mindless animals with blood in their nose. The terrorists won the war hands down without a doubt, billions and a decade to catch a handful of their guys....they spent a few million and got thousands, not to mention the significant change in our lifestyles that are forever.

    Sorry, rant off

    Not sure why I would take back the Kenya lion hunting or detroit gang banging? He is from Kenya and started his political career with the political mob in Chicago. I figured, who better to go shoot if you are from chicago, DETROIT!! They don't have jobs and no one cares about them?

    I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.
    Thomas Jefferson

  15. #60
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