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Thread: OSB...DEAD as fried chick'n...body in US hands...SWEET!

  1. #91
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  2. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by nfpgasmask View Post
    F-N R-tardz on ATV's W/ handguns ROOL!...

  3. #93
    As an American I am gratified that Osama Bin Laden has been neutralized. I have to disagree that the method of disposal of his body is a mistake. That discussion is a total no win situation. If he had been buried his grave would have been a target for desecration and/or veneration. Desecration is also a violation of Islamic tradition, and one reason for a burial at sea.

    If pictures are released that is also a no win situation. Many may suggest that they were a religious affront an attempt disrespect a religious warrior and/or a fake. I am satisfied that the decisions that have been made are the best in this strange situation.

    If Osama Bin Laden is still alive he can make himself known, as he has in the past.

    The proof of death ultimately will be the absense of the proof of life.

    I also believe that no death should be celebrated, that if anyone loses their life is a lose to everyone, even sociopath who has caused immeasurable harm.

  4. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by PK View Post
    Anyone interested in a non-American view point???


    First, some background information -
    I am ex Australian Military, and have over recent years run some training courses in my area of expertise, for US Marines, Army, and Navy personnel. Not on US mainland soil, but Australian and US foreign soil.

    I always knew you was cut of some high quality yardage Mr. K...

    I also have a son in law that is Muslim and from Pakistan.

    Nothing like a foot in both camps.

    Both my son in law and myself, are extremely glad Bin Ladin is dead, if in fact he is dead.

    What a wonderful chance America had of putting this bastard to rest permanently, and they blew it totally.

    Well...not TOTALLY, I mean, after all is said & done...he IS at rest...PERMANENTLY.....

    You need to accept that there are good and bad in all societies, and that has nothing to do with religion.
    There are also good and bad in all religions.

    I completely agree, but reserve the right to accept the FACT that all organized religions are CRAP...BS in my vernacular...but that's MY is of no consequence.

    I know of a devout catholic that goes to church several times a week, and bashes his wife and kids a couple of times a week as a bonus.
    What about the Irish catholics and prodestants blowing each other up all the time??

    I rest my case...

    We just need to accept that there are good and bad, full stop.

    The Muslim custom of burying the dead within 24 hours is well known and established. It is based on centuries of the people living in hot climates where the body starts to decompose quickly without refridgeration.

    Sometimes, they start to decompose LONG before their death.

    My thanks and prayers go out to the men and women on the front line, that put their lives on the line to rid the world of this madman.
    Unfortunately you won't see many politicians there with them, but when the true heroes come home, the pollies will be all over them.

    X WAY more than 2...

    Anyway, they are just a few thoughts from a non-American with a mixed response to what has happened.

    Certainly no dis to you, my most respected friend...just bouncing my thing off your thing...

  5. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by rsteinmetz70112 View Post
    I also believe that no death should be celebrated, that if anyone loses their life is a lose to everyone, even sociopath who has caused immeasurable harm.
    I'm real happy that you & I have differing views on swell folks including, but certainly not limited to...

    bin ladn, Hitler, Manson, Gacy, Gein, Bundy, Berkowitz, Dahmer, Ridgway, Cunanan, & a host of other pure evil mo-fo's I can no longer remember...

    Yah dood...cum-by -AHHHHHHH...PuhLEEZ!...

    I'm sure they're all great folks & stuff, but....SRSLY?...

  6. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ldub View Post
    just bouncing my thing off your thing...

    Ooohhhh the horrible mental images

    Iz OK Bro, me N PK are so old that no one would even look twice...

  7. #97
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    "just bouncing my thing off your thing..."
    not a pretty picture ldub

  8. #98
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    BOB...please get this thread back on track....



    Absolutely the best $20 you'll spend per year on your VX.

    ~ ~ > OFF ROAD WHORE <~ ~

  9. #99
    Any celebration of the death of 'those people' must be tempered by the remembrance of the people they killed. The victims are more important than the killers.

    In my view the remembrance outweighs the celebration in every case of even a single death.

  10. #100
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    Hey who did that to muh post

    and it's so far gone I don't think Obama and Bush tag teaming it could find the right direction.

  11. #101
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    MLK...quote...."I will mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy."

  12. #102
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    hmmmm...does Ldub have administrative powers..BB's password

  13. #103
    Member Since
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    Thats a GREAT quote....actually IMO, one of the GREATEST.

    Quote Originally Posted by VXjunky View Post
    MLK...quote...."I will mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy."
    But more importantly...

    ...who's the hottie in your avatar!


  14. #104
    Quote Originally Posted by VXjunky View Post
    MLK...quote...."I will mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy."

  15. #105
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    Red face

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Barker View Post
    Hey who did that to muh post

    and it's so far gone I don't think Obama and Bush tag teaming it could find the right direction.
    Sorry Bob...

    I hit the wrong button......

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