Quote Originally Posted by Grif View Post

Nor should we whoop and holler like a bunch a fanatical redneck yahoos. A human being died a violent death. As an independently thinking person raised with Christian values, I think we should be praying for the day that measures such as this should never be needed again, rather than reveling in it.

Truly, the spectacle of the ravenous crowd of hate fans @ the White House gates was disturbing to me. Its no less banal than the idiot Islamists we see doing the EXACT same thing and think to ourselves that "those people are so backward".

Hate begets hate.

Revenge may be sweet, but killing one figurehead of one terrorist organization does not stop the hate.
x2...unfortunately, this sort of behavior is inherent in our nature as human beings. Our first thought does not turn to compassion and lamentations, but to the pleasure elicited by fulfilled revenge. Definitely not saying I wanted that guy alive myself...though I just wish all the senseless misery and death could stop altogether. It's just a shame that corruption, greed, envy and hatred will always exist, and thus it will never stop...sorry if I'm starting to sound like a hippie.