Quote Originally Posted by technocoy View Post
Not to mention that all these kids are brought up in a society where people are allowed to let their kids do whatever the hell they want and are never held accountable. Now, that of course leads to other conversations like parent's being overworked and therefore not home enough... Not being able to support a family on single incomes anymore etc, etc. There is a ton of grey area, but to assume that all kids that come out of school are part of some mass welfare society is a little insane. Kids are failing in all regards because we don't value education in this country, period, and kids' don't get their asses kicked anymore, and they also get handed 300-500 dollar gadget at the drop of a hat.

I live in the "up and coming" part of a pretty recent yuppy invasion neighborhood downtown. I put out an email to the "community message board" last week asking if there were any young teenagers that wanted to mow my grass for 20 bucks a pop when I didn't have time. Not only did not one teenager want to do it, I got berated by parent's who actually called me an advocate of "Child labor".

I was mowing lawns to pay for my Atari and Freestyle bikes, Tools, lumber for my treehouse, etc from the time I was 9 and 10 years old. Other chores even younger. There is no work ethic being instilled by PARENT's...
That has jack to do with our government.

That said, I'm not defending the excess spending as it makes me pretty sick as well, but to attack aid programs without talking about military cuts or mid term tax increases it ridiculous.
Once again, you speak the same thoughts, just with FAR more eloquence than I'll ever be able to muster...

I salute You Sir...